Who Is The Greatest

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Who is the greatest ?

• reputation
• achievement
• be famous for
• honor,
• outstanding,
• instinctive
• fame

• I think … is the greatest because he/she…

• I think his/her … made him/her a great person.
• I admire his/her…
• I think in order to be great a person needs to …
• I think it is easy/difficult to be great as long as …
1. In your opinion, what does “great” mean?
2. Who do you think is the greatest in your country? Why?
3. Who do you think is the greatest in history? Why?
4. Who do you think is the greatest pop singer or athlete? Why?
5. Among all the people you know, who do you think is the greatest? Why?
6. What do you think makes a person great?
7. Can you name some qualities that are great?
8. Do you want to be a great person? Why or why not?
9. In order to be great, what should a person do?
10. If you were remembered for one thing to be great, what would it be?
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