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The Electromagnetic


8:40-9:40 Class Opening Prayer

The Third and the Fourth
Tasks for next week:
RTC 1 – Checking of LAS # 2 (Problem Solving) (Oct. 12)
(Submission of LAS # 2, until this afternoon (Oct. 9)

FTC 1 – Experiment # 1 / CD Spectrometer

– Submission: October 15, 2020

RTC 2 – Summative Quiz # 1 (Oct. 16)

Starting Oct. 12 – you will use the new portal of Genyo

Answers to
LAS # 1
1. Waves in the electromagnetic spectrum are
transverse waves. How is a transverse wave
different from a longitudinal wave? (3 pts.)

Transverse waves can travel even without any

media. It can travel in an empty space. In
transverse waves, the vibration of wave particles is
perpendicular to the wave motion.

Longitudinal waves cannot travel without any

media. The particle motion in longitudinal waves is
parallel to the wave motion.
2. What relationship exists between the wavelength
(wave size) and the frequency? How are these two
related to the velocity of the wave? Which among the
waves in the EM spectrum travels the fastest? (5

The wavelength is inversely proportional to the

frequency. The longer the wave, the lower the

The product of the wavelength and the frequency is

actually the velocity of the wave.

All EM waves travels at the same speed as light.

3. Why are gamma rays, X-rays and ultraviolet
considered to be dangerous kinds of waves? Discuss
the harmful effects of each wave mentioned. (3 pts.)

Both gamma ray and x-ray are highly penetrating and

Gamma rays can destroy living cells; can produce
mutation among cells.

High dosage of x-ray, long exposure to x-ray can also

cause damage to our cells.

Too much exposure to UV rays can damage our eyes

and skin
4. Which among the colors of the visible light has
the shortest wavelength? Longest wavelength?
Explain why the sky appears blue most of the time?
(3 pts.)

Among the Visible Spectrum, Red light has the

longest wavelength, with 700 nm or 700 x 10-9 m.

Violet light has the shortest wavelength, with 400 nm

or 400 x 10-9 m.

The violet light scatters the most in the atmosphere

among the all the colors, but the sky
4. Which among the colors of the visible light has
the shortest wavelength? Longest wavelength?
Explain why the sky appears blue most of the time?
(3 pts.)

The violet light scatters the most in the atmosphere

among all the colors in visible spectrum, but the sky
appears blue to us because our eyes is more
sensitive in blue than in violet.
(Experiment # 1 – CD Spectroscope)
5. Why are infrared sensors more useful at night?
(3 pts)

Night vision goggles use thermal imaging technology

to capture that infrared light. This way, you can
see an image of what's going on in the dark. It's
based on the amount of heat being made by objects.
Thermal imaging works well when trying to see
people in the dark.
6. How does ultraviolet help in the production of
vitamin D and absorption of Calcium? (3 pts)

UV radiation stimulates the production of Vitamin D.

The sun's ultraviolet B (UVB) rays interact with a
protein called 7-DHC in the skin, converting it
into vitamin D3, the active form of vitamin D.

The UVB hits the cholesterol in the skin cells, this

helps in Vitamin D synthesis
Try this:
The x-ray used by your dentist has a
wavelength of 15 nm. What are its
frequency and energy?

λ = 15 nm = 15 x 10-9 m
Try this:
Your favorite radio program
broadcast at 96.3 MHz. What is the
wavelength corresponding to this

λ = 96.3 MHz = 96.3 x 106 Hz
Tasks for next week:
RTC 1 – Checking of LAS # 2 (Problem Solving) (Oct. 12)
(Submission of LAS # 2, until this afternoon (Oct. 9)

FTC 1 – Experiment # 1 / CD Spectrometer

– Submission: October 15, 2020

RTC 2 – Summative Quiz # 1 (Oct. 16)

Starting Oct. 12 – you will use the new portal of Genyo

Closing Prayer

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