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Research for the advert

The product idea
• Our product idea is going to be opening Coca cola to different types of audiences. We could do
this for lots of different types of audiences: Families, people interested in sports, elderly and
young adults.
• Coca colas current target audience is at its core aimed at a the younger generration, their
targeting is not aimed towrads any specific gender or race. They do see everybody as a potential
• The coca cola adverts as of recent have aimed towards specific audiences such as the
new christmas advert was more aimed towrads families. 
• We are going to aim this advert campaing towards a much wider audience and we will
be attempting to create a coca cola advert that is made to atract multiple target audiences.
We produced the idea that in our 60 second time slot we would show families, elderly and young
friends all having fun but have the main theme would be that they all are having a Coke. 
History of the product
Coca Cola was founded on January 29th, 1892 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. However, Coke was first
created by John Pemberton, a pharmacist in 1886.
In 1888, Asa Griggs Candler purchased the Coca Cola recipe from John Pemberton for $1,750.
Candler founded the Coca Cola company in 1892 and developed it as a major company. 
The original recipe for Coca Cola included coca leaves which include cocaine. Cocaine was a major
ingredient in Coke in the early years. Coca Cola was first used as a medicine and the original creator,
John Pemberton, claimed it helped cure headaches, upset stomach and fatigue. 
Coca-cola Slogan:
The History of Coca-cola's slogan from 1886-2009:
Throughout the years Coca-cola's slogans have not only reflected the brand but also the current
.For example, the 1906 slogan, "The Great National Temperance Beverage," reflects a time when
the society in the United States was veering away from alcoholic beverages, and Coca-Cola provided
a nice alternative.
.Other slogans have concerned Coca-cola's sale figures- in 1917 they had the slogan "three million a
day" and in 1925 it was "six million a day".
.Some slogans for Coca-Cola have concentrated on the quality of the product, its refreshing taste, or
even its role in entertaining, such as 1948's "where theres coke theres hospitality".
As you can see there has We plan on creating a
been a lot of Coca-cola slogan for Coca-cola that is
slogans in the past. more memorable and
marketable than any
previously used slogan. We
focused on inclusitivity and
went with the slogan, 'A
little fun for everyone'- not
only does this rhyme
making it easy to say but it
tells the target audience
that the product is for
them, it's for everyone.
The campaign plan
• The elements of the campaign that we will be making is a Poster, TV Ad, Radio Ad and a Social Media
• For our poster we will either make it comical or just a normal serious poster. The slogan most likely be in our
• The different types of posters we could make
are: Formative Posters, Corporate Posters, Subject Posters and Digital Posters.
• We will make the Radio advert on either an audio software like Garage Band or something Adobe Audio or
we might use the Audio part of a Video Editor such as Final Cut or Adobe Premiere. We will also make sure
to use the slogan in this as it will be one of the main part of the Radio ad.
• Our Tv ad will be made using either Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut. We will also use the slogan in this
advert as well, however it might be text or a voice over, or it could be a combination of both.
• Our social media campaign will be used to create support and get the word out there about our advert. This
will start before anything else in the plan.

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