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How to study smarter?

What does it mean?

Why is it a good skill to learn?

Do we need to?

 Less time studying

 Less energy wasted

 Better understanding

 More time for yourself

Effective timeframes

 Divide your study sessions

Use pomodoro technique (app is available)

 Find out your focus time

Reward yourself in the end

Your workplace

 Don’t study in bed!

 And vice versa
 Find and organize a specific place
 Familiar environment VS new places
 Away from distractions
Study groups

 Not a large group

 2-3 people
 You teach -> understand &
reinforce information
 Information put in simple
Learn concepts instead of pure facts

 Long-term memory
Lecture  Associate things
 Use mnemonics
 Teach your imaginary friend
Facts Concepts
The most efficient technique

 Take notes DURING the lecture!

 Highlight important terms
 Review highlights – quiz yourself
 Add to your notes
Repetition is the key
Recall VS Recognition

 Use flashcards
 Some examples: Anki, Smart Cards, Quizlet
 Make your own cards
Passive learning – low efficiency

 Re-watching lectures
 Reading materials
 Not focusing on hard parts
 Studying for 5-6 hours
 Not taking breaks
 Multitasking

 Did you know about these techniques?

 Do you use them?

 If yes, which ones?

 Do you have any suggestions?

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