Integrated Marketing Communication: Advertising, Sales, Promotion, and Public Relations

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Integrated Marketing

Advertising, Sales,
Promotion, and Public
Chapter 12
Road Map: Previewing the
• Discuss the process and advantages of integrated
marketing communications.
• Define the five promotion tools and discuss the
factors that must be considered in shaping the
overall promotion mix.
• Describe and discuss the major decisions involved
in developing an advertising program.

12 - 2
Road Map: Previewing the
• Explain how sales promotion campaigns are
developed and implemented.
• Explain how companies use public relations to
communicate with their publics.

12 - 3
Marketing Communications
• Advertising
• Sales Promotion
• Public Relations
• Personal Selling
• Direct Marketing

12 - 4
The Need for IMC
• Using IMC, the company
carefully integrates and
coordinates its many
communication channels to
deliver a clear, consistent, and
compelling message about the
organization and its brands
12 - 5
• Can reach masses of geographically
dispersed buyers.
• Can repeat a message many times.
• Is impersonal, one-way
• Can be very costly for some media

12 - 6
Personal Selling
• Involves personal interaction
between two or more people.
• Allows relationship building.
• Most expensive promotion tool.

12 - 7
Sales Promotion
• Wide assortment of tools.
• Attracts consumer attention.
• Offers strong incentives to buy.
• Invites and rewards quick consumer
• Effects are short-lived.

12 - 8
Public Relations
• Very believable.
• Reaches people who avoid salespeople
and ads.
• Can dramatize a company or product.
• Tends to be used as an afterthought.
• Planned use can be effective and

12 - 9
Direct Marketing
• Many forms that share four
 Nonpublic
 Immediate
 Customized
 Interactive
• Well suited to highly targeted
12 - 10
• Advertising has been used for centuries.
• U.S. advertisers spend more than $237 billion
each year; worldwide spending approaches
$470 billion.
• Advertising is used by:
 Business firms
 Nonprofit organizations
 Professionals
 Social agencies
 Government

12 - 11
Setting Advertising Objectives
• An advertising objective is a specific
communication task to be accomplished
with a specific target audience during a
specific period of time.
• Classified by purpose:
 Inform
 Persuade
 Compare
 Remind

12 - 12
Setting the Advertising Budget

• Affordable
• Percentage-of-Sales
• Competitive-Parity
• Objective-and-Task

12 - 13
Developing Advertising
• Consists of two major elements:

 Creating advertising messages

 Selecting advertising media

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The Message Strategy
• Identify Customer Benefits
• Develop Compelling Creative
Concept—the “Big Idea”
• Advertising Appeals Should Be:
Meaningful, Believable, &

12 - 15
Message Execution
• Slice of Life • Personality Symbol
• Lifestyle • Technical Expertise
• Fantasy • Scientific Evidence
• Mood or • Testimonial or
Image Endorsement
• Musical

12 - 16
Message Execution
• Choose a tone
• Use memorable, attention-getting
• Choose correct format elements
 Illustration
 Headline
 Copy

12 - 17
Selecting Advertising Media
• Reach
 Percentage of people exposed to ad
• Frequency
 Number of times a person is exposed
to ad
• Media Impact
 The qualitative value of a message
exposure through a given medium

12 - 18
Choosing Media Type
• Factors to consider:
 Media habits of target consumers
 Nature of the product
 Type of message
 Cost
 Media vehicles
 Specific media within each general media

12 - 19
Deciding on Media Timing
• Must decide how to schedule the
advertising over the course of a year.
 Follow seasonal pattern
 Oppose seasonal pattern
 Same coverage all year
• Choose the pattern of the ads
 Continuity
 Pulsing

12 - 20
Evaluating Advertising
• Measure the communication effects
of an ad—“Copy Testing”
• Measure the sales effects of an ad
 Is the ad increasing sales?

12 - 21
Other Advertising
• Small Companies
• Large Companies
• Advertising Agency
• International Issues

12 - 22
Sales Promotion
• Sales promotion consists of short-
term incentives to encourage the
purchase or sales of a product or

• The idea behind sales promotion is

to generate immediate sales.

12 - 23
Rapid Growth of Sales
• Sales promotion can take the form of
consumer, business, trade, or sales force
• Rapid growth in the industry has been
achieved because:
 Product managers are facing more pressure to
increase their current sales
 Companies face more competition
 Advertising efficiency has declined
 Consumers have become more deal oriented

12 - 24
Sales Promotion Objectives

• Consumer Promotions
• Trade Promotions
• Sales Force Promotions

12 - 25
Consumer Sales Promotion
• Samples • Patronage
• Coupons Rewards
• Rebates • Point-of-Purchase
• Cents-off Deals
• Contests
• Premiums
• Sweepstakes
• Advertising
Specialties • Games

12 - 26
Trade Promotion
• Objectives:
 Persuade resellers to carry a brand
 Give a brand shelf space
 Promote brand in advertising
 Push brand to customers
• Tools:
 Discounts, allowances, free goods, push
money, specialty advertising items

12 - 27
Business Promotion
• Objectives:
 Generate business leads
 Stimulate purchases
 Reward customers
 Motivate salespeople
• Tools:
 Conventions, trade shows, sales contests

12 - 28
Developing the Sales
Promotion Program
• Decide on the Size of the Incentive
• Set Conditions for Participation
• Decide How to Promote and
Distribute the Promotion Program
• Decide the Length of the Program
• Evaluate the Program

12 - 29
Public Relations
• Public relations involves building
good relations with the company’s
various publics by obtaining
favorable publicity, building up a
good corporate image, and handling
or heading off unfavorable rumors,
stories, and events.

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Public Relations Functions
• Press relations or • Lobbying
press agency

• Product publicity • Investor relations

• Public affairs • Development

12 - 31
Public Relations Tools
• News • Audiovisual
• Speeches materials
• Special events • Corporate identity
• Buzz marketing materials
• Mobile marketing • Public service
• Written materials activities
• Company Web site

12 - 32
Rest Stop: Reviewing the Concepts

• Discuss the process and advantages of

integrated marketing communications.
• Define the five promotion tools and
discuss factors that must be considered
in shaping the overall promotion mix.
• Describe and discuss the major decisions
involved in developing an advertising

12 - 33
Rest Stop: Reviewing the Concepts

• Explain how sales promotion

campaigns are developed and
• Explain how companies use public
relations to communicate with their

12 - 34

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