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Introduction to Virtualization

Slides are prepared from VMware official Study material

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Learning Outcomes
Understanding of:
 Virtualization concepts
 Types of hypervisors
 Network virtualization
 Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

• It refers to the act of creating virtual (rather then actual)

version of something
• It may include but not limited to computer hardware,
operating software, storage and network resources
Topology of Physical Data Center
Administering and maintaining a physical data center is time consuming and often inefficient
Virtual Infrastructure
• Virtualization enables you to run more workloads (VMs) on a single
server by consolidating the environment so that Applications run on
• Fundamental idea – abstract hardware of a single computer into several different execution environments
– Similar to layered approach
– But layer creates virtual system (virtual machine, or VM) on which operation systems or applications
can run
• Several components
– Host – underlying hardware system
– Virtual machine manager (VMM) or hypervisor – creates and runs virtual machines by providing
interface that is identical to the host
• (Except in the case of paravirtualization)
– Guest – process provided with virtual copy of the host
• Usually an operating system
• Single physical machine can run multiple operating systems concurrently, each in its own virtual machine
System Models

(a) Nonvirtual machine (b) Virtual machine

What is Kernel ?

The kernel is the central module of an operating system (OS). It is the

part of the operating system that loads first, and it remains in main

It has to be small as possible as it stays in the memory

Typically, the kernel is responsible for memory management, process 

and task management, and disk management
Types of Virtualization

Full Virtualization:
• In Full virtualization, the virtual machine simulates enough hardware to
allow an unmodified “guest” OS to be run in isolation. It has the
following two types
– Type 1 Hypervisor
– Type 2 Hypervisor

• Technique in which the guest operating system is modified to work
in cooperation with the VMM to optimize performance
Type 1 Hypervisor (Bare Metal)

• Operating-system-like software built to provide virtualization

[ Bare-Metal (Hypervisor) Architectures ]
– VMware ESXi /ESX
– Xen
• Also, includes general-purpose operating systems that provide
standard functions as well as VMM functions
– Hyper-V
– and RedHat Linux with KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine)
Type 2 Hypervisor

Applications that run on standard operating systems but provide VMM

features to guest operating systems

• VMware workstation (32Bit guests)

• Oracle Virtual PC
Benefits and Features

• Host system protected from VMs, VMs protected from each other
– I.e. A virus less likely to spread
– Sharing is provided though via shared file system volume, network
• Freeze, suspend, running VM
– Then can move or copy somewhere else and resume
– Snapshot of a given state, able to restore back to that state
• Some VMMs allow multiple snapshots per VM
– Clone by creating copy and running both original and copy
• Great for OS research, better system development efficiency
• Run multiple, different OSes on a single machine
– Consolidation, app dev, etc…
Benefits and Features (cont.)

• Templating – create an OS + application VM, provide it to customers, use it

to create multiple instances of that combination
• Live migration – move a running VM from one host to another!
– No interruption of user access

• All those features taken together -> cloud computing

– Using APIs, programs tell cloud infrastructure (Cloud Components:
servers, networking, storage) to create new guests, VMs, virtual desktops

• Virtual machines running proprietary operating systems require

licensing, regardless of the host machine’s operating system

• For example, installing Microsoft Windows in to a VM guest requires

its licensing requirement to be satisfied
Desktop Virtualization

• Desktop virtualization is a concept of separating the logical desktop

from physical machine

• Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is more advance form of hardware


• User interact with the host computer using another desktop computer
or mobile device through LAN or even the Internet
VDI benefits
• Centralized environment
• More efficient client environment that is easier to maintain
• Less requirement of Desktop support
• Portability
• Cost efficient as “Thin Client” are cheaper and require no high-end
hardware and software configuration
• Scalability
Review Questions

 What are latest type 2 hypervisors available in the market these days
 What is thin provisioning
 What is CPU virtualization
Thank you
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