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Question EL-Fund1-1a

1. When you are dismantling parts at a vehicle where do you put the bigger items,
the small bits and where do you keep the tools?
Bigger Items: Small bits: Tools:

2. When you disconnect a battery from the vehicle what terminal do you disconnect
first and when you you put it back which one will be connected the latest?
The positive terminal  The negative Terminal 
3. What are the smallest Items matter is made of?

4. How do you call two ore more atoms that are joined together?
What is the chemical formula for Water?

5. An atom can consist out of 3 basic particles. Please tell us their names:

6. The particle with a negative charge is called:

The particle with a positive charge is called:
The particle with a neutral charge is called:
7. Give 4 examples for good electrical conductors:

Robert Bosch GmbH; AA/ASA RD; Jan. 2006

Robert Bosch GmbH, AA/ASA RD Jan. 2006
Question EL-Fund1-1b

8. What is Voltage and what is the unit Voltage measured in?

9. What are the 3 basic components of a closed electrical circuit?

10. Please complete the following table:

12V KV mV μV
200mA KA μA A
540 KΩ mΩ MΩ Ω
6KV mV V mA

11. A resister consumes 10 Watt and is connected to 12V. What is its resistance?

12. A resistor of 2MΩ is connected to a voltage of 0.2KV. How many mA are flowing through
the resistor?

Robert Bosch GmbH; AA/ASA RD; Jan. 2006

Robert Bosch GmbH, AA/ASA RD Jan. 2006

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