Topic: Create Awareness About in The Mind of The Target Customers and Generate More Customers

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•Name: Mayank Suresh Ranka


Topic: Create Awareness about in the mind of the

target customers and generate more customers
1. We can work on recreating the brand like its fresh and recently
2. We need to create a logo that is eye-catching.
3. It should be done in a way that is establishing symbolic and
Pervasive presence amongst the customers and business
Quality Packaging
1. The main thing in courier service is Packaging of a product.
2. In order to acquire Perfect Quality and efficient packaging you have
to ensure that the materials and designs used for packaging must
be something different like the colour of the box or envelope with
courier service name on it and many more.
3. The customers should have that feeling when looking at the
packaging that it has been delivered through Chrysalis
Networking and Websites
1. Networking is a great way to connect through people.
2. Socializing the services through different networks such as the best is
WOMP(Word of Mouth Publicity).
3. Telling Friends/Clients to get a referral bonus on promoting the
services is also a great way to connect more business segments
4. Create a website containing information about rate, services provided
to establish a good trust among the customers.
5. Create a free pickup and drop services that will avail a good strategy
as to attract new customers( Once a while)
Social Media Marketing
1. Social media is a great Platform to make a growth in Business
2. You can create a page on Instagram or Facebook and relay all the
necessary information about the company.
3. You can also ask the Customers to review the Services ang the
suggestions to make it more Convenient for the Customers
4. Be always updated and make the Post regularly on current situation
because people watch the content and not the services.

Thank You!

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