Google Case OB

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Google Case Study –


Synopsis of The Case Study
 Background of Project Oxygen:
 Google is a high performing, people centered organization.
 In 2007, Mr Bock , head of people operations hired Prasad Setty to head people analytics
team to manage people operations by the same discipline used to manage Google’s
business operations.
 Setty formed a team consisted of 3 members called the People & Innovation Lab ( PiLab)
who have proposed few research questions, in which one stood out from the rest, “Do
Managers Matter?”. This research was conducted through Project Oxygen to determine
whether managers impacted the performance of their teams.
 Project Oxygen Research
 The project oxygen team conducted the research by making a correlation between
satisfaction with one’s manager and retention rate. The results weren’t satisfactory.
 Then, additional research found that differences between high scoring and low scoring
managers does have a significant impact on employee’s job satisfaction, retention and
 To find out on how high scoring managers do things differently, an interview was done by
the PiLab team on both categories manager. Based on the results, the team came up with
a set of 8 behaviors that were common among high scoring managers.
Synopsis of The Case Study
 Project Oxygen Implementation
 Surveys- Upward Feedback Survey ( UFS) and Tech Manager Survey ( TMS)
 Feedback Reports- managers receive their feedback reports through online and was
encouraged their reports with the team members and to seek feedbacks openly
 Trainings- Based on the feedbacks on areas of improvements, managers got
recommendations to take up particular coaching classes
 Great Managers Award- Nomination for the award were based on criteria which include
the 8 oxygen attributes.
 Project Oxygen Impact
 Median score of UFS and TMS rose from 83% to 88% over 3 years period ( 2010-2012).
 Least effective managers improve the most over time.
 Reflections
 Managers in Google mostly adapted and accepted the 8 Oxygen attributes and
benefitted from them. The composition of the company changed.

Q1. How Would you describe Google’s
 In the early years itself, the founders of Google, Page and Brin established the
informal culture.
 The culture includes some rare qualities or aspects that normal organizations do not
employ such as usage of gym balls as moveable office chairs, desks were made from
wooden doors and top chefs were hired to provide free flow meals to all employees.
 Google has a culture were good ideas were celebrated, and authority was derived
from peer respect.
 Based on the case study, Google is a high performing organization which gives a lot
of emphasis on its employee’s well-being. The leaders in Google gave equal
importance to people management/operations as was being given to business
operation which then led to “Project Oxygen”.
 Googlers are given full freedom to manager their jobs their way, hence also
perceived as individualistic culture.
Q2: Key features of an Engineering
Dominated Culture
 Decision making- consensus driven - is a creative and dynamic way of reaching
agreement between all members of a group. Instead of simply voting for an item
and having the majority of the group getting their way, a group using consensus is
committed to finding solutions that everyone actively supports. This ensures that
all opinions, ideas and concerns are taken into account
 Flat organization - an organizational structure with few or no levels of middle
management between staff and executives. There are greater number of
individuals immediately below a manager
 Management is highly constrained by design- It is rather challenging to
micromanage a large number of direct reports, hence focus has been given to
create the best working environment for the employees to deliver their best.
 There is greater respect for technical expertise, skillful problem solving, and good
ideas than for titles and formal authority.
Q3: Both Page and Setty describe Google
as “a family”. What are they saying about
the organizational culture
 Organizationally, Google maintains a casual and democratic atmosphere
 Treating people like family means nurturing them, developing them and
making sure they reach their full potential
 It is a leader’s responsibility to make sure everybody in the company has
great opportunities and that they feel they’re having a meaningful impact and
are contributing to the good of society

Q4. What Kinds of People work at Google?
What are Their Personal Qualities?
 What kind of people work at google
 Top level talented employees
 Young and high achievers who crave autonomy
 Type A-person who has never received bad feedback in his/her life
 What are their personal qualities
 People who work for Google are hardworking, ambitious , unrelenting
perfectionists who enjoys working together and never let each other
 They have high level of cognitive ability, flexible, possesses collaborative
spirit and in a nutshell has to be well rounded.

5. What do Google’s Employees Want from
Their Managers? What do They Need from
Their Managers?
 Google’s Employees want their managers to have a clear vision/ strategy for
the team. They want their managers to be able to talk with them on the
team’s goals and their individual goals support working toward his/her vision
for the team. They also want their managers to be productive and results
 However, having shared the goals/vision and strategies, they need their
manages to empower them and not micromanages. They need a good coach
who expresses interest/concern for team members success and personal well
being and at the same time helps them with their career development.


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