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1) Which of Jesus' disciples
betrayed Him to His
enemies for thirty pieces
of silver?
 A. Judas the Zealot
 B. Judas, son of James
 C. Judas Barsabbas
 D. Judas Iscariot
2) Before Jesus was arrested, the disciple
Peter said proudly, "Lord, I am ready to
go with you to prison and to death."
However, when it looked like Peter would
be arrested along with Jesus, his courage
failed and he repeatedly denied even
knowing Jesus. How many times did Peter
deny his association with Jesus before the
rooster crowed at dawn?
 A. Two times C.  Three times
 B. Seven times D. Twelve times
3) What crime was Jesus charged
with when he was brought before

the Roman governor, Pontius

Pilate, for trial?

 A. Assault on a servant of the high

 B. Blasphemy
 C. Heresy
4) Which is NOT a name for
the place Jesus was
A. Calvary
 B. Golgotha
 C. Gethsemane
 D. The Skull
5) What inscription did Pilate
place on Jesus' cross?

A.  "Enemy of Rome"
B.  "King of the Jews"
 C. "Blasphemer"
 D. "Traitor of Nazareth"
6) According to the Gospel of
Luke, what time of day did
Jesus die on the cross?
 A. Noon (the sixth hour)
 B. 3 PM (the ninth hour)
 C. 6 PM (the twelfth hour)
 D. 9 PM (the fifteenth hour)
7) Which of these is an incident
recorded in the Bible?
A. Demonic children chased Judas.
B. Peter cut off the ear of the high
priest's servant with his sword.
 C. Satan appeared in the Garden
of Gethsemane.
 D. Veronica wiped Jesus' brow as
He was carrying the cross.
8) Why was Jesus crucified?
A. It was part of God's plan for our
B.  The Romans plotted against
 C. He rebelled against Roman
 D. The Jewish people hated Him.
9) Who helped Jesus carry His
A. John.
B.  Caiaphas
 C. Simon of Cyrene
 D. Simon Peter
10) Who stayed with Mother
Mary until Jesus was buried?
A. Magdalene and Peter
B.  John and Paul
C. Magdalene and John
D. Judas and Peter
11. What is the man's name
that Peter cut the ear off of?

 A. Malchus
 B. Gesmas
 C. Cassius
 D. Caiphas
12. What does Jesus say to
Mary, when she asks who
the table is being built for?

 A. Mary
 B. Himself
 C. Anybody
 D. A rich man
13. Who are the only people to
see Satan during the movie?

 A. Jesus, Mary, and Mary

 B. Jesus
 C. Jesus and John
 D. Jesus and Mary
14. At the end of the movie,
the resurrection of Jesus Christ
is shown. Which wound is
shown from the crucifixion?
 A. left hand
 B. head from crown of thorns.
 C. feet
 D. right hand
15. Does Mary Magdalene
have a flashback during
the movie?

 A. Yes
 B. No
16. Who said the line, "Behold
the man."?

A.  Abenader
 B. Pontius Pilate
 C. Caiaphas
 D. John
17. What flashback do we see
when Jesus was being nailed
to the cross, right after his left
hand was nailed on?
 A. The Sermon on the Mount
 B. Jesus riding on Ash Wednesday
 C. Jesus washing the Apostles'
18. Who said this quote, "If you
are the son of God, why don't
you save yourself? Prove to us
you are who you say you are."
 A. Caiphas C.  Gesmas
 B. Pontius Pilate D. Roman Soldier
19. Who had the order to spear
Jesus on the cross, to make sure
he was dead?

 A. Abenader C.  Caiphas

 B. Malchus D.  Cassius
20. What scene was shown directly
after we see the Roman soldiers
leaving the place of skulls?
A. AMary holding Jesus.
 B. Satan screaming in the desolation
of Hell.
 C. Caiphas crying and looking at the
 D. The stone being moved at Jesus'

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