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Nadira Wulan Ramadhini
Kelompok VII
Gelombang I C

Data are the values (measurements or observations) that the variables can
assume. Variables whose values are determined by chance are called random
These are the observed values of a variable, at a specific observational unit.
Data are just measurements collected over observational units which can
provide information to the analyst through statistics.

Moreformally: In simple words, a statistic is a function which takes values

observed in a sample as input and gives a number with some
meaning/information about the data as output.

Categorical Numerical

Nominal Ordinal Discrete Continuous

Classifies data Assume values Can assume an

into mutually Classifies data that can be infinite number of
exclusive (non into categories counted. values
overlapping) that can be ranked
Types of Data
Statistical Methods

Descriptive Inferetial

 Consists of the collection, organization,  Consists of generalizing from samples

summarization, and presentation of to populations, performing estimations
data and hypothesis tests, determining
relationships among variables, and
 Presenting the data in some meaningful making predictions.
form, such as charts, graphs, or tables.
 Uses Probability
Hypothesis Testing
Is decision-making process for evaluating claims
about a population, based on
information obtained from samples.

Null Hypothesis 3 Methods Used to Alternative

(H0) Test Hypotheses Hypothesis (H1)

Statistical hypothesis that Statistical hypothesis that

states that there is no states the existence of a
 The Traditional Method
difference between a difference between a
 The P-Value Method
parameter and a specific parameter and a specific
 The Confidence Interval
value, or that there is no value, or states that there is
difference between two a difference between two
parameters. parameters. .
Discrete Distribution Continuous Distribution

 Consists of the values a

random variable can assume  The data can take on any
and the corresponding value within a specified range.
probabilities of the values.  The probability associated
 The probabilities are with any particular value of a
determined theoretically or by continuous distribution is null.

Bernoulli Binomial
Binomial Geometric

Is a statistical distribution
that shows the probabilities
of discrete (countable)

Poisson Spatial
Bivariate Exponential
Uniform Uniform Gamma
Chi Squared

Central Limit
Probability Tabulationts
Normal Continuous
(Gaussian) Distribution Generalized
Multivariate Beta

Sums of Normal
Is characterized by an infinite
number of possible outcomes, Type I
together with the probability of
observing a range of these
Lognormal outcomes.
Extreme Type II
Tabulations Value
Type III
Usefulness & Application of Distribution Test

 Used to answer questions of “How many?”

 Used to find specific data values for given
 Useful tool in answering many questions
about variables
Daftar Pustaka

 Bluman, Allan G. 2014. Elemerary Statistics : A Step by Step Approach,

Ninth Edition. New York : McGraw-Hill Education.
 Selvamuthu, Dharmaraja and Dipayan Das. 2018. Introduction to
Statistical Methods, Design Experiments and Statistical Quality
Control. New Delhi : Singer Nature.
 Soong, T.T. 2004. Fundamentals of Probability and Statistics for
Engineers. New York : Wiley.

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