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 Definition
 Nature and Scope
 Scope in Philippine Setting
 History or Evolution
 Environment including
 Demography and Public Administration
 Ideology and Administration
 Politics and Administration
 Public Private Partnership

Philippine Public Administration vs China Public Administration

 From the Latin word “ad” and “ministrare” which means to serve, to care for, to look after people or to
manage affairs. It can be stated that Public Administration simply means “Government Administration”
 It is the implementation of government policy and also an academic discipline that studies this
implementation and prepares civil servants for working in the public service.
 Characteristics of administration are best subsumed under two terms: ORGANIZATION and
MANAGEMENT. Organization is the anatomy and Management is the physiology of administration.
Definition from well known scholars
 Woodrow Wilson
Also known as the father of Public Administration, PA is the detailed and systematic application of
law. Every particular application of law is an act of administration.
 L. D. White
PA consists of all those operations having for their purpose the fulfillment or enforcement of public
 M. E. Dimock
It is concerned with ‘what’ and ‘how’ of the government.
 Frank Goodnow
Father of American Public Administration an supplanted the traditional concern with the separation of
powers among various branches of the government.
Nature and Scope of
Public Administration
Nature and Scope of Public Administration
Why do we need to study Public Administration?
Public Administration as an academic discipline is over
hundred years old whereas public administration as an activity can be
traced to the earliest periods of human history when man started
living in organized societies. Nowadays, we are experiencing
transformation, the society is evolving, different problems arise and
long-time risk should be solved.
What is Public Administration?
Administration – it refers to the composite of those
activities and processes concerned primarily with the
means of carrying out government programs and policy.
Traditionally, public administration has been
understood to include only the workings of the Executive
Branch. Of late, however it also encompasses the working
of Legislative and the Judicial organs, the constitutional
offices (CSC, COA, and COMELEC), the activities of
public enterprises and the entire gamut of governmental
institution and processes.
The task of public administration today has become
more engrossing than ever before, public administrators
have to forecast changing conditions, explain present
phenomena, shape and help shape scenarios for the future
and participate in the making of decisions. Its traditional
and classic nuances have been superseded by the urgent
demand to formulate viable formulas for problem solving.
In our society, the more pressing problem is the provision of Basic
Services to the poor and marginalized people.
 Population Growth
 Peace and Order
 Primary Health Care Program
 Education
We believe that the solutions to those problems depend to a large
extent upon the agenda that our leaders and policy-makers have set
up or going to set up.
A well-considered plan and program administering
public affairs becomes an essential social design that will
facilitate service delivery to the clientele of the
government. Governing without a plan leaves the fate of
society to chance, to hit and miss operations.
Administrative Theories
- applied to implement plans based upon framework
appropriate to the real needs of society. If public
administration is to be viewed as problem-solving
undertaking, then public administrators should realize that
problems arise from a variety of sources and there are
different ways of solving them.
Approaches to the Study of Public Administration

1. Constitutional-legal – looks at the workings of

government from the point of view of the constitution.
2. Structural-descriptive – views public administration
from the standpoint of organizational structure, functions,
techniques, and procedures.
3. Institutional Approach – this emphasizes the formal
relationships among the three branches of government.
4. Behavioral Approach – this approach is concern into
the behavior of individuals within the organization.
5. Systems Approach – the concern for management
techniques developed as a result of the desire to improve
governmental service delivery.
6. Contingency Approach – the organization structure is
contingent upon a given situation.
Role of Public Administration in a Modern Society
The state acts as the accelerator and stimulator of
economic and social changes. Government now takes the
responsibility for directing the utilization of all resources
of a state to create an environment conductive to progress
and growth.
The survival of any government is dependent upon the
provision of good public administration.
Public administration activities may be classified into four
broad categories:
1. Government activities undertaken to protect
society as a whole. This includes national defense,
protective services like police, fire and jail, education
and environment.

2. Government activities designed to provide

assistance to economic and social groups.
3. Government activities undertaken in the exercise of
propriety and corporate powers. This includes
ownership and operation of government-owned or
government controlled enterprises, better known as
public enterprises.
4. Government activities undertaken to regulate
business, trade and manufacturing.
By type of programs, public administration may be classified
into the following:

1. External programs – this includes foreign affairs activities on a

government to government basis.

2. Regulatory Programs – these programs are concerned with

governmental activities intended to regulate the operation of business
enterprises with domestic or foreign capital, banking activities, practice of
professions, and quality control of products, standards specification, price
control, and public convenience certification.
3. Service Programs – refers to those activities directly administered by
government which directly affect individuals and groups.

4. Development Programs – these programs are generally designed to

direct socio-economic transformation efforts to build self-reliant communities
and develop geographic areas and regions through the formation of
development bodies or authorities.

5. Grants-in-Aid Programs – these refer to projects undertaken by

government with subsidy funds, partly or wholly, from external sources.
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION is not static. It is a
continuing process. It must be constantly reviewed to
adapt itself to current developments in society.

Thank you!
History / Evolution
Public Administration
In order to properly appreciate the context of Philippine Public
Administration, it may be helpful to retrace the history and evolution of the
broad discipline.

Table 1. Phases in the Evolution of Public Administration

Traditional / Classical Public Administration 1800s to 1950s
Modern Public Administration
- Development Administration
- New Public Administration 1950s to present
- New Public Management
& Reinventing Government
- Public Administration as Governance
Traditional / Classical Phase
 It was heavily influenced due to the existence of colonialism.
 Spanish Colonial Period – established a centralized authority & absorbed the
baranggays, except those in predominantly Muslim areas in the South.
 Japanese Colonial Era – The Japanese occupation of the Philippines disrupted &
dislocated the economic, political, & social life of the country.
 American Colonial Period – provided for the organization & powers of the
provincial & municipal assemblies, which in effect embodied a system of local
governments in the country.
 Civil Service based on merits and fitness
 Vested veto power to the President on legislative bills & emergency powers in
times of war & national emergencies.
 During the American colonial period, the country establish a system of
government and political structure that followed to American model.

 Philippine may well be considered the first republic state in Asia in 1899.

 In 1935, the Philippine Commonwealth was established under the

supervision of the Americans to prepare the island for independence.

 Many of the institutions in the Philippines today, such as the bureaucracy,

the educational system, and the various aspects of culture and practices
reflect American influences.
Development Administration (1950’s to 1960s)

 focuses on emerging and developing countries.

 In the Philippines, it would be more appropriate for it to be referred to as a
nation trying to reestablish its democratic framework of administration.
(Brillantes and Fernandez,2008)

New Public Administration (late 1960s to 1970s)

 Recognized its significance in the field of philosophy, content
purposes, processes and techniques – Pilar 1993.
 He also emphasized that it corresponds with the objective of the
Philippine government.
New Public Management & Reinventing Government
(1980’s to 1990s)

 Were essentially born out of the continuing search for solutions to economic problems
to produce a government that “works better but costs less”.(Denhardt,2004).
 In the Philippine setting, it was the time is undergoing massive changes after People
power Revolution. Sajo (1993) reiterated there was a shift from an authoritarian to a
democratic system.

Public Administration as Governance (1990s into 2000s)

 It was endorsed by the United Nations, World Bank, & Asian Development Bank.
 It involves a wider perspective and deeper meaning mostly refers to government that “involves
the institutionalization of a system through citizens, institutions, organizations, and groups in a
society articulate their interests, exercise their rights, and meditate their differences in pursuit of
the collective good”
 The virtue of governance is geared towards development, environmentally-sound
administration, and globalization.
Environment of Public Administration
 Demography and Public Administration
 Ideology and Administration
 Politics and Administration
 Public Private Partnership
Demography and Public Administration
• The relation of population to public administration generally involves the
implications and effects of size, density, composition, distribution and
movement of people.

• Growth of population creates increased pressure for delivery of essential

services like water supply, garbage collection, peace and order and health and

• Public Administration is challenged to expand it’s services.

• Ethic groupings also challenged public administration.

Ideology and Administration
Ideology may be defined as belief system, when viewed from a political perspective,
is any set of political beliefs of political actors – individuals, groups, social classes,
government and the entire nation.

The nature of political system can pre-determine structure and policy.

In unitary government structure, the executive is regarded as the administrator-at-

In federalism, whether or the polytechnic on monoethnic type, there are two sets of
government, one to take responsibility over national affairs and the other to take
charge of local affairs.
Politics and Administration
 Politics – the activities associated with the governance of a country
or other an area. It involves making decisions that apply to members
of a group. It refers to achieving and exercising positions of
governance- organized over a human community, particularly a

 Administration – as the act of managing duties, responsibilities, or

 The Politics-administration dichotomy is a theory that constructs the
boundaries of public administration and asserts the normative
relationship between elected officials and administrators in a
democratic society.
Public-Private Partnership (PPP) can be broadly defined as a contractual agreement
between the Government and a private firm targeted towards financing, designing,
implementing and operating infrastructure facilities and services that were
traditionally provided by the public sector.
In general, governments tap public-private
partnership (PPP) for the following reason:
 PPPs encourage the injection of private sector capital
 PPPs makes projects affordable
 PPPs deliver value for money
 In PPPs, each risk is allocated to the party who can best manage or absorb it
 PPPs force the public sector to focus on outputs and benefits from the start
 With PPPs, the quality of service has to be maintained for the entire duration of the
cooperation period
 PPPs encourage innovation
Two common forms of PPP structure:
 Availability PPP
 A form of PPP wherein the public authority contracts with a private sector entity
to provide a public good, service or product at a constant capacity to the
implementing agency for a given fee (capacity fee) and a separate charge for
usage of the public good, product or service (usage fee)
 Concession PPP
 A form of PPP wherein the government grants the private sector the right to
build, operate and charge public users of the public good, infrastructure or
service, a fee or tariff which is regulated by public regulators and the concession

Reference PPP Center

Philippines and China
A comparative on the Philippines and Chinese
Government Public Administration

China Philippines
Communist party-led state Presidential Republic
23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions; 4 17 regions (16 administrative and 1
municipalities; 2 special administrative autonomous; 81 provinces, 145 cities,
regions (SAR – Hongkong and Macau 1489 municipalities and 42,036 barangays
Penal Law – Criminal Law of the People’s Penal Law – Revised Penal Code
Republic of China
Death Penalty Reclusion Perpetua
Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China

 Section 5 The Death Penalty

 Article 48. The death penalty shall only be applied to criminals who have committed
extremely serious crimes. If the immediate execution of a criminal punishable by death is
not deemed necessary, a two-year suspension of execution may be pronounced
simultaneously with the imposition of the death sentence.
 It is mostly enforced for murder and drug trafficking, and executions are carried out by
lethal injection or gun shot. Also includes counter-revolutionary crimes such as organizing
an “armed mass rebellion”, endangerment of public security such as arson; and crimes
against person such as rape of a person under age of 14; bribery and embezzlement were
added to the legal code.
Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China

 China traditionally uses the firing squad as its standard method of execution. However in
recent years, China has adopted lethal injection as its sole method of execution, though
execution by firing squad can still be administered.
Revised Penal Code of the Philippines
 Contains the general penal laws of the Philippines. Maximum penalty is Reclusion
Perpetual which is equivalent to 20 years and 1 day to 40 years.
 (accessory penalty – perpetual disqualification and that of civil interdiction during the
thirty years following the date of sentence)
 Offenses include Treason, Piracy in general and mutiny on the high seas, qualified piracy,
coup d’ etat, malversation of public funds or property, murder, parricide, mutilation, Rape,
Kidnapping and serious illegal detention, robbery w/ violence, arson, Importation of
Dangerous Drugs and Section 5 of RA 9165 (Sale).

 Theory and Practice of Public Administration in the

Philippines, by: Avelino P. Tendero, Published by: Fiscal
Administration Foundation, Inc. (FAFI), Publication No.

Thank You!!!
Group Members

Ms. Leah Savilla-Garcia

Ms. Nerissa V. Villanueva
Mr. Gabriel Fernando Y. Agno
Mr. Joven Guerrero

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