4 Psychological-Measurements

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Data Collection in Survey Research:

Psychological Measurements

Coursera (Marketing Strategy Specialization) –

Shameek Sinha
What are attitudes?
Mental states used by individuals to structure the way they perceive their
environment and guides the way they respond to it
e.g., Measurement of attitudes towards an ad
Three components:
Cognitive (knowledge) Brand awareness / Recall
Affective (liking) Liking of ad, liking of product
Intentions (expectation of behavior) Intentions to buy a product

Coursera (Marketing Strategy Specialization) –

Shameek Sinha
Types of Attitude Measurement Scales
One question to construct variable Multiple questions to construct variable

Single-Item Measures Multi-Item Scales

Itemized Category Scale Likert Scale

Constant Sum Scales
Paired Comparison
Graphical Scales
Coursera (Marketing Strategy Specialization) –
Shameek Sinha
Single Item Measures
 Itemized Category Scale: Respondent selects from a limited number
of categories which do not have any ordering
 Rank-Order Scales: Ordinal data and limited number of items which
are rank-ordered
 Constant Sum Scales:
 Score needs to add up to a number
 Limited number of items
 Relative, but can be used to measure interval or ratio scale

Coursera (Marketing Strategy Specialization) –

Shameek Sinha
Single Item Measures

 Paired Comparison:
 Often used to compare brands two at a time
 Limited number of brands since otherwise the number of
comparisons increase rapidly
 Graphical Scale: Measured using a graphical slider mechanism

Coursera (Marketing Strategy Specialization) –

Shameek Sinha
Multi Item Measures: Likert Scale
Example for measurement of “Optimum Stimulation Level”
Item 1 I continue doing the same old thing rather
than trying new and difference things (*)
Psychological Item 2 I like to experience novelty and change in X2
Construct my daily routine
Item 3 I like continually changing activity X3
I prefer a routine way of life to an
Item 4 unpredictable one full of change (*) X4
* reversely coded

OSL = X1 + X2 + X3 + Xor:
4 OSL = w1X1 + w2X2 + w3X3 + w4X4

Coursera (Marketing Strategy Specialization) –

Shameek Sinha

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