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November 27, 2020

Week 6-7

 ULO a- Rationalize reading-related issues of L2

learners and corresponding teaching techniques and
reading strategies
Key Concepts

 Reading. This is considered as one of the more challenging macro skills in L2 as it

requires a more technical foundation and knowledge for learners to attain proficiency.
 Reading Dilemma. As the skill in reading is challenging, reading dilemmas or challenges
could be evident among learners that may be affected by various factors such as
psychological, sociocultural, among others.
 Strategic Reading. In the context of second language teaching, this pertains to various
reading strategies that serve as plans for solving problems as students embark on the
reading process.
 Extensive Reading. This is generally defined as the use of rapid reading of large quantities
of reading materials for better understanding on a subject matter.
A. Common Reading Dilemmas

Reading Dilemma Descriptor

Relevance of One of the most challenging factors in teaching

Material to Reading reading is how significant it is to the reading
Inadequacies needs of the learners. As reading can be a very
complex task, students’ difficulties in reading
may vary from one student to another. Such
proves to be complex in using a reading
material or an approach in teaching reading.
A. Common Reading Dilemmas

Reading Dilemma Descriptor

Limited Research Another problem in teaching second

on L2 Reading reading is brought about by the limited
research in the area of SLA and L2
reading. While there is a number of
research available, most of which only
focuses on formal language and may not
be relevant to other aspects and contexts
of L2 reading.
A. Common Reading Dilemmas

Reading Dilemma Descriptor

Linguistic Awareness of text structure is key for

Foundation students to attain better comprehension
abilities. This may be a possible constraint
as learners’ linguistic foundation may not
be on par with the level of the
materials/text being read.
A. Common Reading Dilemmas

Reading Dilemma Descriptor

Vocabulary A large vocabulary is critical to be able to

hone one’s reading skills. This could be
challenging as this may not be the case in
most learners as academic and technical
terminologies may not be of easy access
among them.
A. Common Reading Dilemmas

Reading Dilemma Descriptor

Sociocultural The home and local environment of the

Constraints learner is proven to be a factor in reading
development. Exposure to reading among
individuals from upper socioeconomic
class may create an imbalance if
compared to those of lower status.
A. Common Reading Dilemmas

Reading Dilemma Descriptor

Lack of Extensive Recent studies show that the best way to

Reading learn to read is by reading more which is
referred to as extensive reading. This is
problematic as the reading culture of the
learners is very limited and mostly based
on teacher recommendations or class
A. Common Reading Dilemmas

Reading Dilemma Descriptor

Lack of Reading Challenge arises in the reality that

Strategies students have not been trained and given
effective reading strategies that they may
develop among themselves. This postulate
a problem as the amount of time they
engage in reading in the absence of
comprehension that could have been
bridged by effective reading strategies.
A. Common Reading Dilemmas

Reading Dilemma Descriptor

Activation of Some research outputs support the

Schema important role of the students’ background
knowledge in reading. However, if not
guided well, there is a tendency of
students activating wrong previous
information which in effect is a detrimental
factor in reading development.
A. Common Reading Dilemmas

Reading Dilemma Descriptor

Authentic This dilemma happens upon improvement

Application of of the learner’s reading proficiency. Some
Reading learners would find a hard time applying
their reading skills in real-life challenges
and/or other usage.
B. Comprehensive Approaches in Teaching
 1. Transactional Teaching. This pertains to how reading strategies must be regarded in the
context of the teaching reading process as presented In the figure below.

Content Area Integration

Consistency of Strategy
Reading strategies must be
To ensure consistency, reading
integrated in teaching and
strategies are constantly used
must not be introduced as a
and recycled over new tasks
separate subject area so as not
for learners to master the skill.
to intimidate L2 learners. Transactional
Student-Teacher Interaction
Long-Term Use
Reading strategies must be
taught through direct
There must be longevity in the
explanation, teacher
use of reading strategies to
monitoring, and feedback
ensure its sustainability and
provided that it includes
effectivity among learners.
student interaction.
B. Comprehensive Approaches in Teaching
 2. Reading Strategy in Practice. In teaching reading, one of the most effective reading
strategies which is used through time is presented below. This process may be used in
whatever context there is in the context of second language teaching
1. Connecting (Using background knowledge) • While Reading • To clarify ideas
What student already knows what he/she is reading • After Reading • To help paraphrase
What is read in previous part of the reading material to the • To evaluate content
current material being read
2. Evaluating (Formulating judgment towards the text) • While Reading • To judge the author’s idea
• After Reading • To make own opinion
• To develop knowledge
3. Asking Questions • While Reading • To evaluate
• After Reading • To check
• To have more interest
4. Checking for answers to qiestions • While Reading • To pay attention to what I’m
5. Translating • While Reading • To get exact meaning
B. Comprehensive Approaches in Teaching
 3. Extensive Reading. In honing extensive reading among L2 learners, there are programs that
may be able to be utilized in the classroom setting.
 3.1 Extensive Reading Activities
Activity Descriptor
Number of Reading A major feature in implementing extensive reading program is the attempt to
Materials build a reading culture among students by requiring them to read in quantity.
As they read more, the tendency is students get to become “hooked” on
Preference in Selecting As reading can be more challenging to those who are poorly motivated to do
Reading Materials it, these students need access to goof collection of materials they are interested
in. Hence, teachers may loosen up in terms of reading topic to first get the
interest of students by allowing them to peruse materials of their interest.

Variation of Reading Topic It Is also vital to expose students to different type of materials for them to
and Genre familiarize different kinds of genre as well as various purposes and means in
reading. An example to this would be giving them fiction and nonfiction
reading materials.
Appropriateness of Level of In extensive reading, teachers must ensure that the material given to them
Reading Material should be near or even below their current level. The concept is grounded on
the belief that it id best for students to be first exposed to easier texts and
would eventually progress to more challenging ones.
Postreading Activities This pertains to various activities that are more inviting for students to be able
to make sense of the text they have read. Such includes sharing of thoughts
about the text, role-playing favorite parts in the story, among others.
Modeling of Teacher Teachers play a key role in extensive reading as they could serve as model in
sharing the passion to read. Teachers may share their favorite books to ignite
students’ interest in reading.
Recording of Student The goal of extensive reading is to have students monitor their own progress
Performance in reading. To achieve this however, teachers must first conduct regular
monitoring especially when dealing with less-enthusiastic readers.
B. Comprehensive Approaches in Teaching
 3.2 Benefits of Extensive Reading. Presented in the below are the numerous benefits that
may be anticipated upon the successful conduct of extensive reading.

Enhanced Language    
Learning Increased Knowledge Improved Reading and
(especially in spelling, of the World Writing Skills
vocabulary, grammar,
and text structure)

Increased Delight in Positive Attitude Development of
Reading towards Reading Reading Habit

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