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Discrimination Against

Same Sex Marriages

By: Maggie Coble and Gavin
Today, gays marriages are far from
being accepted by the e discriminated
just for their sexual orientation. There
are unfortunate incidents when they
are beaten up or even killed because
of their sexuality. Citing reasons like
hurting religious feelings, many
people shun gays and gay marriages.
They debate that homosexuality is a
sin and that people who practice it
would go to hell.
It is a common occurrence for a gay
marriage not to get proper recognition and
gays being denied their civil rights. In
many countries, gay marriages are
considered illegal.
The Arguments Against Gay Marriage

1. Marriage is an institution between one man and

one woman.
2. Marriage is for procreation.
3. Same-sex couples aren't the optimum
environment in which to raise children.
4. Gay relationships are immoral and violate the
sacred institution of marriage.
5. Same-sex marriage would start us down a
"slippery slope" towards legalized incest,
bestial marriage, polygamy and all manner of
other horrible consequences.
6. If gay marriage is legalized, homosexuality
would be promoted in the public schools
Should Same-Sex Marriages be Legalized?
Yes No

1. Denying them is a violation of religious 1. Most religions consider homosexuality a sin.

freedom 2. It would weaken the definition and respect
2. Marriage benefits should be available to all for the institution of marriage.
couples. 3. It would further weaken the traditional
3. Homosexuality is an accepted lifestyle family values essential to our society.
nowadays with most evidence strongly 4. It could provide a slippery slope in the
supporting biological causation. legality of marriage (e.g. having multiple wives
4. Denying these marriages is a form of or marrying an object could be next).
minority discrimination. 5. The gay lifestyle is not something to be
5 .It doesn't hurt society or anyone in encouraged, as a lot of research shows it leads
particular. to a much lower life expectancy, psychological
6. The only thing that should matter in disorders, and other problems.
marriage is love.
7. The number of child adoptions should
increase since gay couples cannot pro-create
8. It encourages people to have strong family
values and give up high-risk sexual lifestyles.
The same financial benefits that apply to man-
woman marriages apply to same-sex
In March 2010, Washington, D.C.
became the sixth place in the nation
where same-sex marriages can take
place. Connecticut, Iowa,
Massachusetts, New Hampshire and
Vermont also issue marriage licenses
to same-sex couples.

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