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and the Church’s

Social Teaching
2nd Quarter: Lesson 1
Evangelization and the
Church’s Social Teaching

-Bringing the Good News into all

the strata of humanity, and through
its influence transforming humanity
from within and making it new.
The Beginning of the Galilean
Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of
the Holy Spirit, and news of Him spread
throughout the whole region. He taught in
their synagogues and was praise by all.
Jesus came to Nazareth, where he had
grown up, and went according to His
costum into the synagogue on the
Sabbath day. He stood up to read and
was handed a scroll of the Prophet
Isaiah. He enrolled the scroll and found
the passage where it was written:
“the Spirit of the Lord is upon me,

because he has annointed me to bring

glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me
proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight
to the blind,
to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a
Bl.Carlo Acutis
The teaching or proclaiming of
the Good News or
evangelization is the mission of
His Body, the Church, which
throughout history, has
constantly tried its best to
address the challenges of the
changing time
To evangelize is to
proclaim the Good
News to others
through our faith,
worship and witness
Evangelization is
directly connected to
Jesus Christ: His Name,
His work, His teachings,
His promises, and His
Its emphasis is not the
one engaged in the
ministry but the one
being proclaimed-
Jesus Christ
The principal agent of
evenagelization is the
Holy Spirit; we are
only coworkers.
The Church’s Social Teachings
Jesus during His ministry on
earth, had in many different
instances, showed His love
for the poor, afflected, and
The Church, throughout
history, has sought to
follow Jesus’s example.
Evangelization and the
Church’s Social Teaching
-a body of doctrine develop by the
Church on matters about building a
just society and living out holiness
amidst the challenges of modern
Church’s Social
-it is a rich treasure of wisdom
composed papal encyclicals,
bishop’s letters, and other official
Church’s Social
it draws inspiration from the
scriptures and theological and
philosophical teachings of the Church
Church’s Social
it offers wisdom and guidance on
economic, political, and social
Church’s Social
The Church’s Social teachings were
not born overnight, rather a product
of the Church’s critical reflection on
prevailing human realities that affect
the moral life of her members for
Church’s Social
The Church’s social teachings are means of
fulfilling her mission of evangelization in
the midst of new development in the
fields of economics, politics, the rights and
dignity of human person, social
communications, and other complex
Church’s Social
The Church’s Social teachings is a
very important part of her ministry
to evangelize.
Church’s Social
She is focused on her mission to help
bring the human person on the path
of salvation
Church’s Social
through it, she promotes justice and
in peace the true and authentic
advancement of human persons

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