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Lesson 5
Coverage of the lesson;
■ Community Profiling
■ Needs and Resources Assessment
■ Participatory Action Planning And Leadership
■ Resources mobilization
■ Plan Implementation
■ Monitoring And Evaluation
■ Problems and Issues in Community Planning
Community Profiling
■ Provides advocates with a descriptive insight about the attributes and
conditions of a community.
■ It typically involves the use of information concerning the
characteristics of a community such as;
 Demographic distribution
 Materials resources
 Territory
 Institutions
 Local economy and
 Description of a community’s history and culture.
Remember this…
 A community profile helps community members
be informed about the physical, socio-political,
and material characteristics of their community.

 This would help them understand the capacity

of their community to collectively act in
addressing its issues and problems.
Needs Assessment
 A needs assessment lets the community
identify the things that it needs.
 It is used to determine the gaps between
the community’s present conditions and its
desired conditions.
Needs Assessment
 The discrepancy between “what is”
(current situation) and “what should be?”
(desire; intended goal or target) is referred
to as the needs.
Needs Assessment
 Needs assessment can be conducted through a
survey for the following purpose;

• To learn about community needs;

Surveys can support your own experience and
It also gives you a more comprehensive
information from a larger representative group
than by relying solely on your own observations.
• To have a more objective and honest
description of what people need;

• To discover possible needs that you

thought did not exist or once considered as
not important;
• To document or record needs which can be
use in applying for funding and
advocating causes; and

• To ensure that the actions you take are

related to the needs of community.
Take note!
 Needs assessments helps determine what
the community considers valuable and
what problems and issues should ne
Resource assessments
 Helps the community be informed about
resources (such as material resources,
financial, equipment, personal) that can be
accessed to address the needs of the
Resource assessments
 It also identifies the resources that a
community lacks and needs to acquire to
achieve its community goals abd
Participatory action planning
 It involves the open and inclusive
engagement of groups and individuals in a
community who have decided to pursue a
goal or solve a problem.

 Is a process that gathers insights and ideas

from community members
Planning Phase
 The planning phase involves specifying
the actions and modes of implementation
required to achieve the intended goals and
objectives that were set, alongside the
vision and mission determined by the
Evaluation design
 An evaluation design enables
implementers of the plan to revisit,
countercheck, and monitor the progress of
Evaluation design
 Likewise, it helps community members
assess whether or not the steps, tasks, and
activities in the plan have been
implemented properly.
Leadership Development
 Leadership is the most important
resource, and it requires due attention.

 Leaders emanate from selected group,

volunteers, or individuals, known as the
core working group.
Leadership Development
 Leaders ensure that essential tasks,
goals, and objectives are accomplished.

 They lead and rally community members

to collaborate and coordinate with each
 The capacities of communities to
implement interventions meant to solve
their collective problems depend on the
resources they posses, control, and
Resource mobilization
 is the important process that deals with
the necessary steps in raising, maintaining,
and sustaining community support.
Resource mobilization
 it encompasses the appropriate, efficient,
and effective use material support (e.g.
equipment and hardware), personnel
support (e.g. volunteers), and knowledge
support (e.g. shared information).
Take note!
 Resource mobilization can also be
addressed through the search for external
sources of support, negotiations with
national and international development
organizations, social entrepreneurship, and
local resource-generation activities.
Plan implementation
 it refers to the phase where actual and
concrete implementation of tasks and
activities are done.
These activities and tasks are meant to
comprise the specific intervention a
community undertakes in solving a
problem or addressing an issue.
During implementation…
 Several components are working
 Each activity constitutes a set of tasks
with their respective assigned personnel
and appropriated resources.
 Monitoring focuses on the statues and
progress of tasks and activities in the
course of implementation of the
community action plan.
 Monitoring includes procedures that
allow the tracking of the performance of
project implementers and the effect of
resources in completing tasks and
 Evaluation is typically conducted in the
middle and at the end of the scheduled
completion of the community action plan
to evaluate the effectivity and success of
the project.
 There are three types of evaluation;
process evaluation, summative
evaluation, and impact evaluation.
Process Evaluation
 is periodically conducted.
 it allows communities to learn from the
implementation process and make
adjustments to ensure their strategy’s
Summative Evaluation
 is conducted after the completion of the
plan or the end of the project/program.
 it focuses on whether or not the
implementation of the project or program
has been completed.
Summative Evaluation
 it also evaluates and assesses the output
of the projects and how said output fares
in relation to the set goals which were
determined during the planning phase.
Impact Evaluation
 is concerned with outcomes of the
project/program/intervention, particularly
the change that has been incurred.
Impact Evaluation
 To measure the impact of a project in a
community, information and measurable
indicators of the previous conditions of the
community and its state after the
implementation of said project are needed.
Problems and Issues in community
o Community action initiatives and
community planning always comes with
problems and issues.
o There are several reason and factors that
can cause community action and planning
to fail.
Problems and Issues in community
o These factors may be innately present in
the communities or they may also be
elements found outside communities.

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