Preserving Our National Identity in The Context of

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Preserving Our National Identity in the

Context of Globalization

Globalization is a phenomenon economic, which has as

primordial purpose the development of an interdependence
and interaction between companies, and governments
All the countries are involved in a close competition of
marketing . They have the same weapons: the national
culture and history, the tourist objectives and their ideals, but
the most important factor in this chase for the power is the
manner they juggle the advantages. So, the national identity
is a flag that never have to drop.
For a good renown, it's necessary to promote the
richness culturally, the integrity of the state and
democratic models of governance. It's also important
to show interests to modernity and encourage the
diversity of the communities.
The language native is a reflection of the national
identity, so we must preserve it as long as possible
through the music and literature. The traditions and
habitudes are also some of the peculiarities of our
country that have to be promoted to keep our
national identity alive. Being in a process of
Being in a process of globalization means
we have to promote our nature beauty, the
remains of our rich history and our diversified
industry. The international tourism is the
optimal way to conserve the importance of
these aspects .
As conclusion, our national identity is
preserved by the promotion of its own

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