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Decision Making

Personal and Professional Life

Why Me?
• You are at a very important stage of your life
• Your life and people around you get affected
by YOUR decisions
• They hold YOU responsible for any change
• They FOLLOW you/REBEL against you
• YOU could be a MODEL or a FAILURE
• To select the most important options – GRID
• Weighing the pros and cons of a decision –
• Analyzing the pressures ‘for’ and ‘against’
change – Forced Field Analysis
GRID Analysis
• List all your options as rows
• List all factors to be considered as columns
• Give scores based on importance
• Total up all options + factors combinations
• DECIDE using GRID – Your favorite actor!
PMI – Plus/Minus/Interesting
• Weighing the Pros and Cons of a decision
• Before you move straight to action on this
course of action, it is important to check that
it is going to improve the situation
• It may be best to do nothing!
• DECIDE using PMI – decision to move to
Force Field Analysis

• Technique for looking at all forces “for” and

“against” a decision
• Specialized method for weighing pros and cons
• Where you “decided” on a plan, FFA helps you
identify changes to improve it
DECIDE using FFA – whether to start A.C Bus
service from Badnera station to college – you
are the management…not students!
Teaching Style – Personality – Approachability – Professionalism –
Submission Report Checking


Meeting Objectives

• To select the most important options –

GRID analysis
• Weighing the pros and cons of a decision –
• Analyzing the pressures ‘for’ and ‘against’
change – Forced Field Analysis
Consider changes when you make decisions
Analyze if its worth making that change
Always be prepared for resistance to change
Good decision making is good leadership


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