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Blessed Companion

Saeed bin Zaid

Made by: Fahad Raheel and Murtaza Haider

By the end of this lesson we will be able to and understand:

• Birth
• His services to Islam
• Companionship with the Holy Prophet
• Death

• Saeed bin Zaid was born in between 593 to 594 AD in Makkah.

• He was the son of Zaid bin Amr of Adi clan who gave idol ship and
died before the first revelation came.
• His mother Fatima bin Baaja belonged to the khuza tribe.
Services to Islam

• Saeed Bin Zaid was the twenty-eight convert to Islam.

• Saeed bin Zaid and his wife Fatima were successful in concealing
their acceptance of Islam
• Saeed bin Zaid was able to read and write perfectly and on the
other hand he was a very good warrior.
• He took part in all major campaigns of Islam during the lifetime of
the Holy Prophet except the Battle of Badr.
• He was also sent as a scout to Sham to ensure from where the
Quraish were attacking.
Services to Islam

• After the death of the Holy Prophet, during the khilafat of Hazrat
Umar, when Muslims invaded Syria, he was made the commander
of the Infantry.
• He was a brave and courageous and was successful in most of the
military campaigns.
• He took part in the conquest of Dama and was made its Governer
but he resighned due to his love for Jihad.
Companionship with the Holy Prophet

• Saeed bin Zaid was in the forefront of those who believed in the
oness of Allah and the Prophet hood.
• In all battles he fought, he kept himself ahead of the Holy Prophet
to protect him from the enemy.

• He died in 671 AD during the reign of Muawiyah. His body was

carried back to Makkah and was buried by Sadd ibn Abi Waqqas
and Abdullah Bin Umar.
• Muhammad once guaranteed Paradise to ten men who were then
present and named nine of them. Then he hinted that the tenth
man had been himself.
Sample Question

• (A) Write a detailed account on the life of Saeed bin Zaid.

Key Points:
• Birth and family
• His father died before first revelation
• Saeed bin Zaid being one of the first to accept Islam
• Saeed bin Zaid fought all the battles in his time
• Significance and importance of the battles he fought
• Event of his Death
• (B) In your opinion, were the services of Saeed bin Zaid affective
or not.
Key points:
• Talk about some of his services for Islam
• He worked bravely and courageous for Islam
• How his services affected the society
• Tell your opinion

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