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For showing works of art and object of cultural

and scientific interest room must :
Ensure protection against :
- Theft
- Fire
- Damage
- Damp
- Aridity
- Strong sunlight
- Dust
Show work in best light ( in both senses of term) :

Normally achieved by dividing collection into objects for study (eg

engravings, drawings) kept in portfolios and stored in cupboards
(with drawers) about 800 deep and 1600 high :

Objects for display (eg paintings, frescoes, statuary, ceramics,

Exhibis must be so placed as to be seen without effort :
Calls for selective and spacious arrangement, with variety and
suitable room shape and sequence.
So far as possible each group of pictures in 1 room or sequence of
room and each picture wall to itself. These also provide more wall
space in relation to ground area than large room, necessary for big
picture : room size depends on picture size.
Normal human angle of vision
(54˚ or 27˚ up from eye level)
achieved with well-lit pictures
10m away = hanging height of
4900 above eye level and about
700 below it →(5). Onliy with
large pictures is there need for
eye to travel from bottom or
frame up above angle of vision.
Best hanging position for smaller
pictures : point of emphasis (level
of horizon in picture) at eye level
→(7)(8) .
Space/picture 3 - 5m2 hanging surface
Space/sculpture 6 - 10m2 ground surface
Space/400 coins 1m2 cabinet space
Calculation for museum lighting
highly theoretical: quality of light
what matters. Experiments carried
out in America therefore more
important (→Bib561). In recent
times continuous increase in use of
artificial lighting, instead of
constant variations of light
experiences even with N lighting
Section of gallery literature from 1 side only,
bottom part indirectly attenuated lighting
Install lighting so that angles of Typical cross-section for museum
incidence correspond with natural light of natural history
Exhibition room with folding screens (design K Schneider) allows
great variety room arrangements
Not continuous circular itinerary but wings leading out from
entrance. Side room for packing, dispatch , transparency section,
restoration workshops, lecture room.

Museum sometimes in building originally designed for other

Exhibition room with side lighting :

Suitable hanging surface between 30˚

& 60˚ with room high of 6700 & cill
high 2130 for pictures or 3040 – 3650
for sculpture , as calculated from
Boston experiments.
Exhibition room with successful use
of available space :

Panels between central pillars can

be rearranged between supports as
needed ; if outer side – wall of glass
installed window arrangement of
inner wall can also be varied
Overhead Lighting :

Advantages : independent of orientation, not affected by overhanging trees

or neighbouring building, easily regulated (lamella ceiling), little reflection,
light more widely spread over exhibit area.

Disadvantages : strong heat build – up, risk of damage from water and
condensation, only diffused light.
Window Lighting :

View out (relaxing), room easily aired and kept at even temperature,
better light on groups and individual exhibits, illumination of
showcases from back
Natural Lighting :

Natural light can be used as a

major influence to dramatize and
enliven the design of a building.
Some architects use natural light
as forming the building's design.
Section & light sources Museum of Western Art Tokyo
Japan (Architect Le Corbusier)
Section & light sources
Museo Civico Turin Italy

(Architect Bassi & Boschetti)

Section & light sources Museum of Modern Art Rio de
Janeiro Brazil (Architect Reidy)
Main floor Wallraf-Richartz-
Museum Cologne Germany
Architecture R Schwawrtz &

Key :
1. rest room
2. room reaching to everhead
light in upper storey
3. side-lit room
4. side-lit recess.
Joan Miro Foundation Barcelona
Spain has ramp extending round all
4 sides sculpture room allowing
works to be viewed from varying
heights and aspects
Key :
1. sculpture room
2. hall
3. print room
4. balcon over ground floor
5. ter with sculptures
6. hall
7. office
8. director`s office
a. first floor plan 9. rest room
b. section Architect Sert Section 10. print archives
Center for British Art Yale USA a. section
at B→lecture , b. third floor , c. second floor ,
d. first floor, e. ground floor (Architect Kahn)
Vancouuver Museum Canada
(Architect Arthur Erickson)

Key :
1. Entrance
2. Lobby
3. Office/seminar room
4. Ramped gallery
5. Great hall
6. Small object gallery
7. Theatre
8. Visible storage area
9. Lounge
10. Outdoor cour
Air & Space Museum
Washington USA
a. Second floor
b. First floor
c. ground floor

(Architect Hok)

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