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No Child Left

Education History by Tiffany Moreno Behind Act

Brown vs. Board (reauthorized
of Education Title 1 A Nation at Risk ESEA and allowed
( rejected separate ( a provision of ESEA that ( a national debate that for things to be
but equal doctrine allowed funding for schools began on how to improve the applied to kids less
and started Elementary and Secondary quality of schools because of advantaged and set
with high amounts of lower
desegregation Education Act reports that schools were assessments into
allowing African
income children to provide
(allocated funds on the basis of failing to achieve goals) place to be able to
Americans to assistance) receive federal
attend school with
number of poor children in school
Whites) districts schools received much
needed assistance) 1965

2001 2004
• 2013
1958 1975 Standards

National Defense Title IX I.D.E.A • (states

Education Act ( an act which took affect saying that no (a law passed to participated
(funded research and one of the basis of sex will be excluded of ensure children with in making
innovation in science, benefits or subjected to discrimination) disabilities received standards
math, modern foreign excellent education for grades
languages and guidance and had education
Public Law 94-142 k-12 to help
(extended opportunities to kids with account for children teach
disabilities guaranteed that kids with with disabilities language
special needs would receive free and arts and
appropriate education) math)

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