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Education History

By: Grace Placido

Brown Vs The board of
Title IX The Great Debate
Ruled “separate but equal: was a
Debates about America’s
violation of student’s rights.. It took Was an Act that stated that education system started
a year but the court ordered that a student shouldn’t be to spread .Evidence was
schools be desegregated as fast as discrimnated based on their starting to show that the
possible. sex. education system wasn't
1965 working.
1975 1994

1954 1975 1980’s

Public Law 94-142
Educate America Act
Elementary And Secondary A law passed by Congress
and extended educational The Act provides
Education Act.
programs for students with resources to states to
This act was on of President’s Lyndon
B. Johnson’s Great society programs. disabilities. ensure that all students
This program was meant to help low reach their full
income schools and was amended potential.
with a new title the Bilingual Education
Educational Excellence for All
Children Act
Bill Clinton signed this act to help Race To The Top
improve Elementary and secondary A competition for school districts
education, and 55 districts won 400 million

2002 2014

1999 2012
No Child Left Behind Act Common Core Standards
.Some believed that the core
President Bush signed into standards went against state and
law this act for students to local control of education.
make “adequate yearly
Works cited
Parkay, Forrest W. Becoming a Teacher. 11th ed., Pearson Education, Inc., 2020.

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