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An incident that change our
Presented By:
My peer’s incident
When he was in college , he has to work on a project for that
he need somebody to help in preparing that project . One of
his friend assured him that he will help him in preparation .
But at last moment when really needed his help , his friend
started ignoring him and giving excuses and didn’t helped him.
At last project remained incomplete.
Lesson got after this incident
So after this incident, next time when he got some different
project he didn’t took anybody's help , prepared his project
and submitted it on time.
Hence this incident gave him self confidence to do things on
your own without depending on others and this incident also
increased his self capability of doing any work in life.
My Peer’s Incident
During graduation time she went for a trekking with her
friends without informing her parents because that place was
not safe so she knew that if she ask for it, her parents wont
allow her to go .
And when she and her friends reached there a stranger man
was following them . They thought he might harm them but he
was actually protecting them from Naxal’s and helped them to
reach home safely.
Lesson got after this incident
So after this incident she learned two lessons first that she
should always listen to her parents because difference between
good and bad parents knew better than us and they care for
us .
Secondly she learned that never judge anyone by their
Thank You

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