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Janet Hardy-Gould
 Katherin of Aragon was his first wife for 24 years. She gave a daughter Mary for king, but Henry
wanted son. He broke with Pope because you can’t marry again in Catholic church.
 Anne Boleyn was second wife for 3 and half year. She was very beautiful wife and some people said,
that she is a witch because she has six fingers. She gave another daughter Elizabeth, but king want
son and marry again.
 Jane Seymour gave a son, but then Edward birth Jane die. Then king marry again be one son is not
good. He wants more sons! King became ugly, fat, but women want to be queens.
 Anne of Caves was german. Henry does not seen her before they marriege. Painter paints her very
beautifull and king want to marry her. But she wasn‘t beautifull and she lived not in the castle, but in
her palace.
 Katherin Howard was good wife, but she got lover. When king saw her with her lover, he said that
Katherin must be beheaded.
 Catherin Parr is last Henry wife and she live longer than Henry. Then Henry dead she marry her
lover and was happy.
 I like this book becouse I like historical books and this
book is very intresting.
 New words: divorce, maid, miscarriege, mistress, pray.

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