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The Age of Dominate

I. The decline of the Roman Empire

1. A) In the 2nd century AD: the empire stopped growing became difficult to
control its huge territory and defend its borders.
B) From the 3rd century AD: more and more barbarian tribes attacked Rome (as
Germans, Goths, Vandals)
C) The wars were expensive taxes had to be very high.
2. A) The emperor could not direct all the legions by himself he had to choose
generals to lead them.
B) The generals tried to turn themselves into emperors civil wars broke out
3) Rome lost many battles barbarian tribes were allowed to settle inside the
empire and join the army
4) Rome did not capture enough slaves there was a lack of workforce
So rich landowners employed poor freemen on their land
(as tenants)
5) Italy lost its leading role in the economy developing provinces took
over its position.

Nézzétek meg a következő videót, részletesen magyarázza el, hogy

mi vezetett a válsághoz a Római Birodalomban, milyen belső és külső ellentétek feszültek!
II. Diocletian (284-305)

Diocletian was the founder of the Dominate, the

second period of the Empire.

A) Administrative reform
 As the Roman Empire was too large, he divided
it into two:
The Latin speaking West(Italy, Gaul, Britannia,
The Greek speaking East (Greece, Asia Minor,
Syria, Egypt)
 He worked out a system to control the empire more effectively
he introduced TETRARCHY, the rule of four (so there were 2
AUGUSTI and 2 CAESAR). The four leaders each had an area in the empire
that they ruled.
B) The military reform
 To secure the bounderies he doubled the size of the
 He collected more taxes to raise enough money to have
more soldiers in the army
 All the troops received their salaries in cash

C) Economic reform
The Edict of Prices the maximum prices of the great deal
of goods were set and listed
stabilized money supply
III. Changes of political life
 The Dominate was an open form of
despotism where the ruler had
unrestricted power and was respected as
king and god

 Diocletian used oriental externals to

express despotic power (e.g. wore a
crown, a purple robe embroidered with
IV. Constantine the Great
a) He wanted to continue the tetrarchy but his co- emperor got into conflict with him
Constantine defeated him and became sole emperor
Tankönyv 102. oldalán lévő 3. forrás elolvasás (Constantinus élete)
b) He buildt a new capital in the east part of the empire. It was named
CONSTANTINOPLE after the emperor.
The advantages of the new capital:

 Located on the Bosporus, it guarded the

entrance to the Black Sea
 Overland trade between Greece and Asia
Minor could be controlled from here
 Easy to defend (surrounded by the sea)
 It was a Christian capital (pagan Rome)
 Eastern part was wealthier
V. Imperial administration
 The administration was centred on the emperor whose power was
supported by the army and governmental offices
 Administration expanded, governmental offices became the best
possible way to achieve a status (e.g. competition for posts, buying
and selling offices)
VI. Social changes
 CITY ÉLITE: gained more control in their cities and challenged
imperial administration
 BIG LANDOWNERS: Strengthened their position and represented
political challeng to the emperor
 BUREAUCRACY: the army was enlarged---- it nedded financial
support so taxes were increased
 TENANT FARMERS/= COLONI: they were tied to the land. Their
position was close to slaves and they bear the burden of taxes
 A ppt anyagának bemásolása a füzetbe, idegen szavak kiírása a szótárfüzetbe! Mindenkit arra
kérek, ne csak lemásolj a füzetbe az anyagot, hanem értelmezze is, fordítsa le magának!
 A magyar nyelvű tankönyv 95-96. oldalának, illetve 102. oldalának elolvasása!
 Kiselőadás készítése a VEZÚV KITÖRÉSÉRŐL angol nyelven! El lehet készíteni wordben,
illetve ppt-ben, ahogy nektek jobb! Ne legyen túl hosszú, írjátok le a lényeget, tényeket,
csatoljatok képeket, esetleg videókat! (pl ppt-ben 5-6 dia). A tankönyv 95. oldalán találtok egy
kis segítséget! A kiselőadásokat majd csak a google classroomba fogom kérni, hogy oda töltsétek
fel! Remélhetőleg mihamarabb, szeretném ha jövő héttől működne….de ebben az ügyben
értekezünk még!

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