Pt3 English Language Written Test: Section B: Question 3 Questions (A) - (I)

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Comprehension of a non-linear text
Questions (a) – (i)
Assessment Objectives
This part assesses students’ ability to:
• read and understand a non-linear text.
• respond to a non-linear text using established
reading skills.
• write a postcard (question j)
i. recommending one of the popular
ii. providing appropriate reasons to visit the
selected destination.
Note :

1. Do award marks for answers with minor

grammatical and spelling errors that do not
disrupt meaning.
2. Do remember to use your discretion and good
judgement for correct answers that appear
different from the suggested answers especially
for questions that require a personal response.
3. Do award full marks for intelligent lifting.
4. Do not award marks for over lifting that
includes irrelevant sections of the text.
5. Do not award marks for answers where
meaning is totally unintelligible.
Answers for questions (a) - (i)
a. False [ 1 mark ]
b. True [ 1 mark ]
c. True [ 1 mark ]
d. False [ 1 mark ]
e. Penang [ 1 mark ]
f. They can see Langkawi Island from a higher
ground./It would be exciting. [ 1 mark ]
(Accept any other relevant response)
g) (i) a bird’s eye view [ 1 mark ]
(ii) Malaysian cuisine [ 1 mark ]
h) Activities such as jungle trekking and camping
are outdoor activities which provide fun /
a challenge. [ 1 mark ]
(Accept any other relevant response)
i) To prevent water / wild animals from entering the house.
[ 1 mark ]
(Accept any other relevant response)

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