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Confidential statement

Executive summary

Problem statement

Solution brief

Uniqueness of solution
Impact and scalability

Potential roadblocks

About us

Additional information (optional)

© 2020 ZS 2
Executive summary

1 Describe your idea here (500 words max)

Points to include:
• Idea brief – Details on problem statement, target audience, Healthcare issue, proposed solution and likely
• Select stage of innovation that you are in:
– Stage 1 – Idea or Scoping
– Stage 2 – Proof of concept
– Stage 3 – Design and development
– Stage 4 – Validation
– Stage 5 – Launch or implementation

© 2020 ZS 3
Problem statement

1 Describe the problem (400 words max)

Points to include:
• Highlight the impact of the problem
• Define your target audience (user or beneficiary of your Idea - Internal/external users or stakeholders)

2 Why is this problem important to solve? (200 words)

© 2020 ZS 4
Solution brief

1 Elaborate your proposed solution (800 words max)

Points to include:
• Describe your approach and/or methodology
• How much of the proposed solution is already done and how much is remaining?

2 Is there any technology or process behind your solution? (200 words max)

© 2020 ZS 5
Uniqueness of solution

1 Elaborate on the Novelty/Innovativeness of the idea in the chosen problem area when compared to existing
solutions and ongoing research (400 words max)

2 Why should your solution be considered for the next round? (400 words max)

© 2020 ZS 6
Impact and scalability

1 Provide evidence to establish confidence in the proposed idea that it will likely lead to change in status quo in
the relevant area when at scale? (400 words max)

2 How easy will it be to adapt the solution specially with regards to meeting the growth and demand in the
impacted area? (400 words max)

© 2020 ZS 7
Potential roadblocks

1 What are the likely roadblocks this idea can face in terms of execution and implementation? (800 words max)
Points to include:
• Do you have any preliminary solution to address these roadblocks?

© 2020 ZS 8
About us
First Last First Last
Job title Job title
Presenter’s City, Country Presenter’s City, Country
picture 555.555.555 picture 555.555.555
email email

1 Brief description of the team members - you can specify Brief description of the team members - you can specify
education qualification, institute, or any other significant education qualification, institute, or any other significant
achievement (200 words max) achievement (200 words max)

2 Why is your team best placed to solve this problem (400 words max)
You can highlight relevant domain knowledge or any supporting document

© 2020 ZS 9
A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M AT I O N ( O P T I O N A L )

These are optional deliverable and no marks will be

deducted for not attempting this part. Participants
attempting this section might have higher chances of
qualifying for the next round.
Demonstration Video

1 Insert link here to a short 2 minute demonstration video of the working prototype, app, work flow or analytical

© 2020 ZS 11
Supporting documents

1 In addition, ZS would consider any evidence on user research and early user experience as a value add while
considering the shortlist
• Proof of concept

• Market feedback on estimated solution value through user research

• Early user experience feedback on solution prototype

© 2020 ZS 12
Thank you!

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