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Chapter 10 group 4

Operating system
An operating system is a software programs that
provides the tool (commands) that permit you interact
with the PC. When you type a command, the operating
system translantes it into a code that the computer can
use. The operating system assures that the results and
information are displayed on the screen,printer and ,etc.
An operating system is the master control programs of
the computer, but it is different from word processor
program, electronic worksheets and all the other software
in your computer.
 provide the instructions to diplay the elements on the
screen, with which you interact. These elements are
known as the user´s interface.
 Loads programs (word processor and worksheets) in
the computer memory so you can use them.
 Coordinate the work the work of the
CPU,RAM,keyboard,mouse,printer and the other
hardware, as well other software.
 Administrate the way you store and retrieve
The user’s Interface

When you start an an operating system, you

see and interact with a set of elements on the
screen: this is the user’s interface.
 Multi-task
 Updating your operantig system
 Command line interface ( command
 Sharing Information
Microsoft Operating Systems

Microsoft Corporation has Microcomputer

Operantig System Market. Microsoft has
supplied a large variety of operating systems.
The Microsoft products have evolved
Here is a brief summary of the Microsoft
Operating Systems:

DOS led Operating system

market during the 1980 decade,
but it gradually became
Microsoft Windows 3.0, 3.1, and 3.11

Are operating
environment that provide
a GUI (Graphical User
Interface ) for computer
that run under dos
Microsoft windows 95

 The advantages of
windows 95 are its
advanced simplified
interface, its 32-bit multi-
task, and DOS programs.
Microsoft Windows NT

Windows NT offered a true 32-

bit architecture and an excellent
capacity for network
connection. Windows NT has
other versions for special
purposes, such as :
 Windows NT Workstation
 Windows NT Server
Windows CE

Windows CE take
many windows 95
capacities to
consumption electronic
devices, such as digital
personal assistants.
Macintosh operating system

Macintosh is a graghical machine. Since its

beginning, in the mid 80s, its hardware
intergration, its operating system.and its GUI
( Graphical User Interface) made it the favorite of
users who wanted to deal with the DOS command
line. Another advantage of the macintosh was that
all its application would function in a similar way,
by applying the common user¨s access concepts
and making them easier to learn than the DOS
OS/2 Operating System

In 1982 IBM and microsoft worked together to

develop the OS/2 operating system, a modern multi-
task operating system for intel microprocessors.
IBM continued developing and promoting the OS/2
operating system as it's system application
architecture, a general plan for global commercial
computing .
Like windows not, OS/2 is a mono-user multi-task
operating system with a selecting and clicking

It is the oldest operating system for pc, and ,

which in many ways served aas a model for
the other operating systems. the unix
operating system was developed by bell labs
and oriented to telecommunication. it was
sold to novell at the begining of the 90.
several versions of unix were developed. the
best known is the berkeley unix. other
versions included a/ux for mac and aix for
ibm worstations.

 Provide  Proporcionar
 Multi-task  Multi-tarea
 Mono-user  Monousuario
 Tool  Herramienta
 Update  Actualizacion
 Clicking interface  Hacer clic en la interfaz
 Interact  Interactuar
 Mainframe  mainframe
 Translate  Traducir
 The oldest  El mas antiguo
Grammar point
topic structure exmples
Simple past tense Verb – past form I take quizzes everyday
Take – Took
It is formed with the past form of the verb. I took a quiz yesterday
Become - became
Go - went In 1982 IBM and Microsoft worked
Regular verbs Update - updated
The operator updated the system last
Add ‘ed’ to the verb night
Insert – inserted

Add ‘d’ to verbs with

‘e’ ending

Use - used
topic structure examples
Present perfect Tense Have + Past participle I have used this comùter several
Has times today.

Indicates an action that is still going You have She has done that job three times now
on in the present We

She has

Was It was sold to novell

Passive voice Were + Past participle The UNIX Operating System was
it was introduced in 1992 develped by Bell Labs.
It was oriented to telecomunication.

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