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Cuadro informativo Dialogo ingles

Name: Martina Godoy

Grade: 7°B

1)What is your favorite school subject?

R: My favorite subject is PE
2)Give 2 reasons for question (1).
R: - I like the subject Physical education because I can play
- I like the subject Physical education because I do sports
3)What subject you don’t like?
R: I don't like the Science subject
4)Give 2 reasons for question (3)
R: -I don't like the science subject because it is a lot of information
-I don't like the science subject because it is very difficult
5)If you were a teacher, what subject would you like to teach?
R: I would like to teach the subject physical education
6)Give 2 reason for question (5)
R: -I would like to teach the physical education subject because it is my favorite
-I would like to teach the subject of physical education because it is easy to
7)Do you like “trabajo remoto”?
R: I don´t like ¨trabajo remoto¨
8)Give 2 reasons for question (7)
R: -I don't like "trabajo remoto" because I can't see my friends
-I don't like "remote work" because it is more difficult

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