Fluid Flow Contuity (Tutorial Part 3)

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1. In an industrial process, 300 KJ of
work is needed to compress 4 kg of
oxygen. During compression 270 KJ of
heat is rejected to the surrounding air.
Determine the change in specific internal
energy of the oxygen. Will the internal
energy increase or decrease?
Recall: Initial energy + Energyentering – Energyleaving = Final energy
U1 + W c – Q R = U 2
U1 + 300 KJ – 270 KJ = U2
ΔU = U2 – U1 = 300 – 270 = 30 KJ
Δu = ΔU/m = 30 KJ/4kg = 7.5 KJ/kg
2. A rotary compressor draws 6,000 kg/hr of
atmospheric air and delivers it at a higher
pressure. The specific enthalpy of air at inlet
is 300 KJ/kg and that at the exit is 509 KJ/kg.
The heat loss from the compressor casing is
5,000 W. Neglecting the changes in kinetic and
potential energy; determine the power
required to drive the compressor.
m[(u1 + p1v1) + gZ1 + v12/2] + WP = m[(u2 + p2v2) + gZ2 + v22/2] + Q
m[(h1 + gZ1 + v12/2] + WC = m[(h2 + gZ2 + v22/2] + Q
m[(h1 + 0 + 0] + WC = m[(h2 + 0 + 0] + Q
WC = m(h2 – h1) + Q
= (6,000/3,600)kg/s[509 – 300]KJ/kg + 5KW
= 348.33 + 5 = 353.3KW
3. 10,000 kg/hr of steam with an
enthalpy of 2,778 KJ/kg enters a
turbine. If the exhaust steam leaves
the turbine with an enthalpy of 2,168
KJ/kg, determine the turbine power
m[(h1 + gZ1 + v12/2] + Eentering = m[(h2 + gZ2 + v22/2] + E leaving
m[(h1 + 0 + 0] + 0 = m[(h2 + 0 + 0] + W turbine
Wturbine = m(h1 – h2)
= (10,000/3,600)kg/s[2,778 – 2,167]KJ/kg
= 1,695 KW
4. Steam with an enthalpy of 2,168
KJ/kg enters a condenser at a rate of
10,000 kg/hr. If the condensate leaves
the condenser with an enthalpy of
251 KJ/kg, determine the heat
rejection rate.
m[(h1 + gZ1 + v12/2)] + Eenter = m[(h2 + gZ2 + v22/2)] + E leaving
m[(h1 + 0 + 0)] + 0 = m[(h2 + 0+ 0)] + E leaving
Qleaving = m(h1 – h2)
= (10,000/3,600)kg/s[2,168 – 251]KJ/kg
= 5,325.43 kW
5. In a turbine, high temperature gas with a
specific enthalpy of 1,860 KJ/kg flows
continuously into the turbine, turns the rotor
and leaves the turbine with a specific enthalpy
of 530 KJ/kg. The heat loss through the turbine
casing is 140 KJ/kg. Neglecting changes in
kinetic and potential energy of the gases, find
the turbine work output per kilogram of gas
m[(h1 + gZ1 + v12/2)] + Eenter = m[(h2 + gZ2 + v22/2)] + E leaving
[(h1 + gZ1 + v12/2)] + Eenter = [(h2 + gZ2 + v22/2)] + E leaving
[(h1 + 0 + 0)] + 0 = [(h2 + 0 + 0)] + Wturbine + Qleaving
Wturbine = h1 – h2 – Qleaving
= 1,860 – 530 – 140
= 1,190 KJ/kg
6.In a rotating compressor atmospheric air with
a specific enthalpy of 80 KJ/kg continuously
enters the compressor and is compressed to a
high pressure. The air leaves the compressor
with a specific enthalpy of 426 KJ/kg. During
this process 32 KJ/kg of heat is lost to the
surroundings. Find the required work input to
the compressor per kg of air compressed.
m[(h1 + gZ1 + v12/2)] + WC = m[(h2 + gZ2 + v22/2)] + Q
[(h1 + 0 + 0)] + WC = [(h2 + 0 + 0)] + Q
WC = (h2 – h1) + Q
= [426 – 80]KJ/kg + 32 KJ/kg
= 378 KJ/kg

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