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2nd Grading Period Grades

Minor Grades Major Grades
Scientific Notation Nearpods Matter: Properties and Changes Quiz
Gizmos Activity: Phases of Water Elements, compounds, and Mixture Nearpod

Properties of Matter Nearpod

Law of Conservation of Mass
Elements, compounds, and Mixture Quiz
Early Ides about Atom
Thursday, November 5th
Week Agenda
•Monday /Tuesday
• Early Ideas about Atom Nearpod 
• Aristotles
• Democritus
• John Dalton 
•Wednesday / Thursday 
• Early Ideas about Atom 
• Independent work
• Chapter 4 - Section 1 Workbook
•Friday – (Tentative)
• Discovery of the Atomic Structure:
• JJ Thomson Web Quest
Week Assignment
Nearpod Access Code: KXER8
Chapter 4:
The Structure of the Atom
Section 1: Early Ideas About Atoms
Learning Objectives
Students will be able to...
1. Explain what models are and why are important.
2. Describe some of the experiments that led to the
current atomic theory.
3. Compare the different models of the atom.
4. Explain how the atomic theory has changed as
scientists have discovered new information about
the atom.
• The development of the modern atomic model marks one
of the greatest accomplishments and most interesting
scientific stories of the last 200 years.
• The model and idea of the atom has changed drastically
over time with many contributions and significant
discoveries by philosophers and scientists.
• “Scientific knowledge is ever evolving, questions of
yesterday inform the experiments of today, and seemingly
small advances (even blunders!) can be instrumental in
shaping our views of the natural world.”
What is the difference between a
scientific law and theory ?
Theory vs Law
• Video
What is a model?
Share a picture of a scientific model
that you know
Why are scientific models necessary?

• Video
What is the importance of the use of models for
the advancement of scientific discoveries?
The Root of the Atomic Theory
• While the "ancients" believed
everything was made up of earth,
wind, fire, or water, Democritus
had other ideas.
• He believed which there had to be
a basic building block that made
up all other matter.
• Common (and useful) analogy is to Democritus
think of a big toy castle made only
of blue Legos. Each single blue
Lego would be an "atom," though
Democritus called them "atomos."
Democritus - Model
• Democritus believed the atom was it -
smallest particle of matter. Case closed.
• Makes sense if you stop and think about it.
He was already talking about tiny invisible
things, and there was no technology
available to him that would allow him to see
the atom.
• I think it's pretty remarkable he was able to
develop a good basic concept of atoms to
begin with.
What Dalton Discovered
• Notice the big old gap between the times when
Democritus first shouted, "Atoms! We've got
atoms here!" to the publication of Dalton's more
formal theory?
• Told you Aristotle threw us back into the atomic
dark ages a bit.
• It's not that nobody was thinking about atoms at
all for nearly 2000 years (check out that expanded
timeline), but what Dalton discovered and what
he formally published about atoms earns him the
next slot on our field trip through the history of
atomic models.
His Experiment:
Observing Chemical Reactions

• Dalton spent a lot of time in his lab

observing various chemical reactions.
• By looking at how things reacted and
recombined to form new substances,
Dalton was able to build on Democritus'
idea of atoms as the fundamental
building blocks of matter and go further
to say that there were many different
"flavors" or kinds of atoms.
His Model
• Where Dalton and Democritus would have
agreed (if they hadn't been separated by 2000
years) is that atoms were the smallest, most
basic unit of matter. Indivisible into smaller
parts. (Of course they were both wrong, but
we'll get to that later).
• Where Dalton advanced atomic theory was by
saying we had many different atoms out there.
His model, often dubbed the "billiard ball"
model, basically says you can't divide the atom
into smaller pieces.
Dalton’s Atomic Theory Summary
Okay, so today we know atoms are made of smaller
parts, and you can break them down in nuclear (not
chemical) reactions, but overall Dalton set up a great
base of knowledge for the next group of atomic
scientists to build on.
Dalton's ideas led the development of new ideas about
the atom and the development of new laws such as:

• Law of Conservation of Mass

• Law of Definite Proportions
• Law of multiple proportions
Atomic Theory Timeline
You will research the following
contributors to the atomic theory.
Use the links provided to help
answer the questions.
Early Ideas about the Atom
Democritus- 430 BC
Go to
1. According to Democritus’ atomic theory, the universe and all matter
have the following main characteristics:
Insert your answer here

2. “Atomos” is the Greek word for ____________________________.

Insert your answer here
Aristotle- 335 BC

Go to
1. Aristotle did not believe that matter was
made up of atoms. What did he
Insert your answer here
The Alchemists- 700-1500 AD
Listen to:
1. What is alchemy?
Insert your answer here

2. What did they do?

Insert your answer here

3. Why did they do this?

Insert your answer here
John Dalton- 1803

Listen to:

1. John Dalton was the father of ______________________________
Insert your answer here

2. What 5 contributions did he make?

Insert your answer here
JJ Thomson- 1897

Listen to:

1. What types of rays did he use to determine the presence of electrons? Insert
your answer here

2. What experiment did he do? Explain what his experiment did and what it
proved. Insert your answer here
J.J. Thomson and the Electron: Go to and use the
information there to answer the following questions:
1. What is the year in which J.J. Thomson discovered the electron?
2. What piece of equipment did Thomson use to study the nature of electric
3. What was the evidence for “bodies much smaller than atoms”?
4. Explain the model of the atom he proposed in 1904. Draw a picture of this model
of the atom.
Thursday, November 12th
Thank you for your hard work !!!

100% of you submitted

Tuesday's work
Friendly Reminder
1. Friday, Nov. 13 - end of the grading
2. Late work will be accepted until
Friday at noon.
3. Web quests – 50 pts of Friday quiz
1. Tuesday – JJ Thomson and Rutherford
2. Thursday – Chadwick, Bohr, and
Chapter 4 Section 1 Late Work Air


1. Christopher Ramirez
2. Gillian Madrigal
3. Daniel Loredo
Week Agenda
Monday /Tuesday
JJ Thomson and Rutherford
Atomic model
Contributions to the atomic theory
Wednesday / Thursday 
Bohr and Schrödinger
Atomic model
Contributions to the atomic theory
Discovery of the Atomic Structure Quiz
John Dalton
JJ Thomson
E Rutherford
N Bohr
E. Schrödinger
Week Assignment
JJ Thomson
J.J. Thomson and the discovery of the electron

• In the late 19th century, physicist J.J. Thomson began

experimenting with cathode ray tubes.
• Cathode ray tubes are sealed glass tubes from which
most of the air has been evacuated.
• A high voltage is applied across two electrodes at one
end of the tube, which causes a beam of particles to flow
from the cathode (the negatively-charged electrode) to
the anode (the positively-charged electrode).
• The tubes are called cathode ray tubes because the
particle beam or "cathode ray" originates at the cathode.
• To test the properties of the particles,
Thomson placed two oppositely-charged
electric plates around the cathode ray.

• The cathode ray was deflected away from

the negatively-charged electric plate and
towards the positively-charged plate.

• This indicated that the cathode ray was

composed of negatively-charged particles.
Thomson made the following conclusions:
• The cathode ray is composed of negatively-
charged particles.
• The particles must exist as part of the atom, since
the mass of each particle is fraction the mass of a
hydrogen atom.

• These subatomic particles can be found within

atoms of all elements.
• While controversial at first, Thomson's discoveries
were gradually accepted by scientists.
• Eventually, his cathode ray particles were given a
more familiar name: electrons. 
• The discovery of the electron disproved the part of
Dalton's atomic theory that assumed atoms were
• In order to account for the existence of the
electrons, an entirely new atomic model was needed.
Why did Thomson conclude that electrons
could be found in atoms of all elements?
• As part of his experiments with cathode ray
tubes, Thomson tried changing the cathode
material, which was the source of the
• Since the same particles were emitted even
when the cathode materials were changed to
different metals, Thomson concluded that the
particle was a fundamental part of all atoms.
Plum Pudding Model
• Thomson knew that atoms had an overall neutral
• Therefore, he reasoned that there must be a source
of positive charge within the atom to counterbalance
the negative charge on the electrons.
• This led Thomson to propose that atoms could be
described as negative particles floating within a soup
of diffuse positive charge.
• This model is often called the plum pudding model of
the atom, due to the fact that its description is very
similar to plum pudding, a popular English dessert
E. Rutherford
Ernest Rutherford and the gold foil experiment

• The next groundbreaking experiment in the

history of the atom was performed by Ernest
Rutherford, a physicist from New Zealand who
spent most of his career in England and Canada.
• In his famous gold foil experiment, Rutherford
fired a thin beam of α alpha particles
(pronounced alpha particles) at a very thin
sheet of pure gold.
In Rutherford's gold foil experiment, a beam of  α
alpha particles that was shot at a thin sheet of gold foil.
Most of the alpha particles passed straight through the gold
foil, but a small number were deflected slightly, and an even
smaller fraction were deflected more than 90, degrees from
their path. 
Based on the plum pudding model of the atom, it was assumed that
there was nothing dense or heavy enough inside the gold atoms to
deflect the massive alpha particles from their paths (see left image).
However, what Rutherford actually observed did not match his

JJ Thomson Atomic Model Rutherford experiment results

Based on his experimental results, Rutherford
made the following conclusions about the
structure of the atom:
• The positive charge must be localized over a
very tiny volume of the atom, which also
contains most of the atom's mass. This explained
how a very small fraction of the alpha particles
were deflected drastically, presumably due to
the rare collision with a gold nucleus.
• Since most of the alpha particles passed straight
through the gold foil, the atom must be made up of
mostly empty space!
• This led Rutherford to
propose the nuclear model,
in which an atom consists of a
very small, positively charged
nucleus surrounded by the Atomic Model
negatively charged electrons.
• Based on the number of
alpha particles deflected in
his experiment, Rutherford
calculated that the nucleus
took up a tiny fraction of the
volume of the atom.
• The nuclear model explained Rutherford's
experimental results, but it also raised further
questions. For example,
– what were the electrons doing in the atom?
– How did the electrons keep themselves from collapsing
into the nucleus, since opposite charges attract?
Luckily, science was ready for the challenge! Physicists
such as Niels Bohr continued to design experiments to
test the nuclear model of the atom, which eventually
evolved into the modern quantum mechanical model.
Lesson Summary
• J.J. Thomson's experiments with cathode ray tubes
showed that all atoms contain tiny negatively
charged subatomic particles or electrons.
• Thomson proposed the plum pudding model of the
atom, which had negatively-charged electrons
embedded within a positively-charged "soup."
• Rutherford's gold foil experiment showed that the
atom is mostly empty space with a tiny, dense,
positively-charged nucleus.
• Based on these results, Rutherford proposed
the nuclear model of the atom.
J.J. Thomson and the Electron:
1. What is the year in 2. What piece of equipment did Thomson use to
which J.J. Thomson study the nature of electric discharges?
discovered the Insert your answer here
Insert your answer here

3. What was the evidence for “bodies much smaller than atoms”?
Insert your answer here
3. Explain the model of the atom he proposed in 1904. Share a picture of his
Insert your answer here
E. Rutherford Atomic Model:

Go to the site. What do you

observe when the slit width is adjusted to 4.0 nm?
Insert your answer here

2. Explain the model of the atom he proposed in 1911. Share a picture of

his model. Insert your answer here
3. How did Rutherford’s experiment disprove Thomson’s model of the atom?
Insert your answer here
Niels Bohr
In 1907, Ernest Rutherford’s experiments disproved J.J.
Thomson’s Plum Pudding model of the atom. Rutherford
concluded the following:
• The atom is made up of mostly empty space.
• The nucleus is the very small and dense center of the
atom and holds the positively charged particles and
most of the mass of the atom.
• The electrons are located outside of the nucleus in the
empty space and orbit the nucleus in circular paths.
• The overall charge of an atom is neutral.
Rutherford Atomic Model
• Even though Rutherford’s model was an
improvement to Thomson’s model, there were
a few problems with his findings.
• According to laws of physics, electrons moving
around the nucleus should release
electromagnetic energy.
• If an electron were releasing or losing energy,
it would slowly spiral into the positively
charged nucleus as the image below shows.
If electrons spiraled into the nucleus, all
matter in the universe would fall apart.
• In the early 1900s, a German physicist
named Max Planck was studying the
electromagnetic spectrum.
• Planck’s theory summarized that
energy was not continuous and flowing
but instead contained in tiny energy
units, which he called quanta.
• Niels Bohr knew that Rutherford’s model of
the atom was not accurate.
• Bohr used Max Planck and Albert Einstein’s
findings along with his understanding of
emission and absorption spectra of
chemical elements to develop his model of
the atom
• Bohr assumed that Rutherford’s ideas of the
electrons orbiting the nucleus were correct. He
proposed that electrons existed in distinct
energy levels, or shells, around the nucleus and
that each shell has a different amount of energy.
• Bohr also concluded that the energy of an
electron is quantized, meaning an electron can
be in one energy level or another but not in
between energy levels.
Bohr’s conclusions
• Electrons orbit the nucleus in distinct energy
levels, or shells. Each energy level has a
different amount of energy.
• When an electron is in its ground state, it
does not absorb or emit energy, and it does
not spiral into the nucleus.
• Electrons can move to a higher energy level,
or shell, by absorbing energy and can fall
back down to lower energy levels when
energy is released
Erwin Schodringer
• In 1926 Erwin Schrödinger, an Austrian
physicist, took the Bohr atom model one
step further.
• Schrödinger used mathematical equations
to describe the likelihood of finding an
electron in a certain position.
• This atomic model is known as the quantum
mechanical model of the atom.
• Unlike the Bohr model, the quantum
mechanical model does not define the exact
path of an electron, but rather, predicts the
odds of the location of the electron.
• This model can be portrayed as a nucleus
surrounded by an electron cloud.
• Where the cloud is most dense, the
probability of finding the electron is greatest,
and conversely, the electron is less likely to be
in a less dense area of the cloud.
• Thus, this model introduced the concept of
sub-energy levels.
Heisenberg and Schrodinger
• Found that Electrons live in fuzzy regions or “clouds” not
distinct orbits
• Improved on Bohr’s findings
• Electron location can not be predicted
• Quantum Mechanical Model
Quantum Mechanical Model

• The current understanding of the atom is based on

Quantum Mechanics

• This model sees the electrons not as individual

particles, but as behaving like a cloud - the electron can
be “anywhere” in a certain energy level

• Remember back to CPE with electrons behaving like

bees in a beehive
Quantum Mechanical Model

electrons can be found

anywhere in these “shells”

note: the
electrons are still
no electrons can
be found here
Plum Pudding Model

Go to https://
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• Find More PowerPoint Templates,
Backgrounds, Presentations From
Chadwick, Bohr and Schrödinger
James Chadwick
1. What did Chadwick discover?
Insert your answer here
2. Explain his experiment. (Briefly)
Insert your answer here
Niels Bohr

• Click on the link, watch the video and

answer the questions:

Note: The system will give me

a report of your answers.
Erwin Schrodinger


1. What does Schödinger say electrons really are?
Insert your answer here

2. What does Schödinger say electrons really are?

Insert your answer here

3. Describe Schrödinger atomic model. (Include a picture)

Insert your answer here

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