Cellular Respiration 2015

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Cellular Respiration

A series of chemical reactions needed to

break down carbohydrates and other
molecules in order to release the energy
they contain.

C6H12O6 + 6O2 -----> 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP

Energy in Living Organisms
Energy harvested from the breakdown of sugar is
stored in energy carrier molecules:
• adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
• nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)
• flavin adenine dinucleotide (FADH2).
Energy Carrier Molecule: ATP
ATP consists of adenine (red), ribose (purple) and three
phosphate groups (blue).
Energy Carrier Molecules:
NADH carries an amount of
energy equivalent to 3 ATP.

FADH2 carries
an amount of
equivalent to 2
Types of Cellular Respiration
Aerobic respiration:
• the process that requires sufficient O2
• produces 36 ATP or 38 ATP
Anaerobic respiration:
• The process that occurs when there is insufficient O2
• Produces ONLY 2 ATP
C6H12O6 + 6O2 -----> 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP

Sufficient: Aerobic Insufficient: Anaerobic

Aerobic Cellular Respiration
3 Main Phases:
1. Glycolysis
2. Krebs Cycle
3. Electron Transport Chain
Phase 1: Glycolysis
A series of 10 steps that
breaks down glucose (6-
carbon molecule) into
two pyruvate molecules
(3-carbon molecules)
This process does not
use oxygen.
• During glycolysis:
– Energy is invested as 2 ATPs are hydrolyzed during steps
1 and 3
– One 6 carbon carbohydrate intermediate is split (lysis)
into two 3 carbon carbohydrate intermediates during step
– each of the 3 carbon carbohydrate intermediates
molecules lose a H (becoming oxidized) which is
accepted by a coenzyme called NAD+ (becoming reduced
to NADH) during step 5
• NADH carries H to the mitochondrial matrix to build
the H+ gradient
– 4 molecules of ATP are synthesized
• 2 during step 6
• 2 during step 7
Products of Glycolysis
• The products of glycolysis are:
– 2 molecules of ATP
• 4 are synthesized, but 2 are hydrolyzed at the
beginning of glycolysis
– 2 molecules of pyruvic acid (3 carbon molecule)
– 2 molecules of NADH
• Only 2 of 38 molecules of ATP are synthesized during
Oxidation of Pyruvate to Acetyl CoA
• Before the citric acid cycle can begin, pyruvate must
be converted to acetyl Coenzyme A (acetyl CoA),
which links glycolysis to the Krebs Cycle (citric acid
• This step is carried out by a multienzyme complex
that catalyses three reactions
2 Pyruvic Acid → 2 Acetyl CoA
During the conversion of each of the 2 molecules of pyruvic
acid to Acetyl CoA the following occurs:
• Decarboxylation (CO2 is removed) of pyruvic acid making
acetic acid (2 carbons)
• One H is removed from acetic acid (oxidized) by NAD+
(reduced to NADH) and further contributes to the H+
• Coenzyme A in the mitochondrial matrix is added to the
acetic acid to make acetyl CoA
During this step the products are:
– 2 molecules of CO2
– 2 molecules of NADH
– 2 molecules of Acetyl CoA
• used in the Krebs Cycle
Figure 9.10

CYTOSOL CO2 Coenzyme A

1 3

NAD NADH + H Acetyl CoA


Transport protein
Phase 2: Krebs Cycle
A process by which 2
pyruvate molecules
are sent through a
cycle to release CO2.
During the cycle, a 6-
carbon molecule of
citrate is produced,
thus this cycle is also
known as the citric
acid cycle.
Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)
• A series of 10 biochemical reactions which begins and ends
(cyclic) with a molecule of citric acid
• Each acetic acid (2 carbons) is combined with a molecule
of oxaloacetic acid in the mitochondrial matrix (4 carbons)
to make citric acid (6 carbons) during step 1
• Each citric acid is then decarboxylated twice (steps 4 and 6)
and oxidized (H is removed during steps 3, 5, 8 and 10) as it
is converted into different carbohydrate intermediates
– energy released from the hydrolysis of bonds is used to
synthesize ATP during step 7
– NAD+ (steps 3, 5 and 10) and FAD (step 8) are reduced
to NADH and FADH2 and further contributes to the H+
gradient in the mitochondria
Phase 2: Krebs Cycle
Energy Yield / pyruvate

Since glycolysis
produces 2 pyruvate
molecules, the energy
yield should be ADP

doubled. ATP
Phase 2: Krebs Cycle
The 2 ATP can be This phase occurs in
used directly. the matrix of a
The 8 NADH and 2 mitochondria.
FADH2 go into the 3rd
phase (ETC) to be
converted into ATP.
CO2 is a waste product
that is blown off when
Products of Krebs Cycle
• The reactions of the Krebs cycle produce:
– 3 molecules of NADH
– 1 molecule of FADH2
– 2 molecules of CO2
– 1 molecule of ATP
– 1 molecule of oxaloacetic acid
• Since each molecule of glucose yields two molecules of
acetyl CoA, 2 Krebs cycles yield:
– 6 NADH
– 2 FADH2
– 4 CO2
– 2 ATP
– 2 oxaloacetic acid
• reenter the Krebs cycle of reactions after combined with
another acetic acid
Products of Glycolysis → Krebs Cycle
• 4 ATP
– 2 (net) from glycolysis
– 2 from Krebs
• 10 NADH (10 H from original glucose molecule)
– 2 from glycolysis
– 2 from (2) Pyruvic Acid → (2)Acetyl CoA
– 6 from Krebs
• 2 FADH2 (2 H from original glucose molecule)
– 2 from Krebs
• 6 CO2 (6 C from original glucose molecule)
– 2 from (2) Pyruvic Acid → (2)Acetyl CoA
– 4 from Krebs
Phase 3: The Electron Transport
Chain (ETC)
Process by which NADH and FADH2 are converted into
ATP. H2O molecules are also formed during this phase.
This phase occurs on the cristae of the mitochondria.
Energy carrier
 Nicotinamide Adenine
NAD+ + 2 e- NADH
NAD+ = oxidized form
NADH = reduced form
Phase 3: ETC Details
1. NADH and FADH2 that are
formed during glycolysis and
Krebs cycle each have a pair of
2. These electrons are brought to the
cristae of the mitochondria and
transferred to proteins called
3. The electrons are passed down
through a series of cytochromes
known as the ETC.
4. As the electron pairs move through each cytochrome, 2 hydrogen ions (H +) are pumped out of
the matrix into the intermembrane space.
5. This causes the intermembrane space to have a high concentration of H + and so H+ want to
diffuse back into the matrix.
6. They do this through a protein known as ATP synthase. Energy from H + is provided to join
ADP+ P ------> ATP .
7. At the end of the ETC, the electrons join with oxygen and 2 H + to produce H2O.
Phase 3: ETC
The electrons from
NADH start at the
beginning of the chain
and pump 3 pairs of H+
The electrons from
FADH2 start farther
down the chain and
only pump 2 pairs of H+

Since each pair of electrons passes through ATP synthase to make 1 ATP, each
NADH can produce 3 ATP and FADH2 can produce 2 ATP.
The Details of the Electron
Transport Chain

Energy Yield Overview
2 ATP (glycolysis)
2 ATP (Krebs cycle)
2 NADH (glycolysis) ----> 4 ATP in ETC**
8 NADH (Krebs cycle) --> 24 ATP in ETC
2 FADH2 (Krebs cycle) --> 4 ATP in ETC
36 ATP from 1
glucose molecule
**Krebs cycle and ETC both occur in the mitochondria therefore NADH made in
Krebs cycle is converted into 3 ATP each.
Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm and therefore the 2 NADH produced there must
enter the mitochondria to get to the ETC. This costs energy. Therefore, each
NADH from glycolysis is only worth 2 ATP each.
Review: Cellular Respiration
C6H12O6 + 6O2 -----> 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP

Cycle ETC All Phases:
2 from glycolysis
2 from Krebs cycle
32 from ETC
Anaerobic Cellular Respiration
Glucose is converted into 2 pyruvate
molecules in glycolysis which will then go
to the Krebs cycle IF O2 if available.

Sometimes, the amount of O2 available is

insufficient and the 2 pyruvate molecules
undergo a process called fermentation.
Anaerobic Cellular Respiration
During fermentation in eukaryotic cells,
pyruvate will either be converted into:
1. Ethanol through Alcoholic Fermentation
2. Lactic Acid through Lactic Acid
Alcoholic Fermentation
• produced when yeast cells ferment
• A source of ethyl alcohol (beer and wine)
Glucose ----------> 2 pyruvate ---------> ethanol + CO2

Alcoholic Fermentation
- produces alcohol (ethyl) and carbon
- produces NAD+ that goes back to
Alcoholic Fermentation
Alcoholic fermentation—occurs in bacteria
and yeast
Process used in the baking and brewing industry—
yeast produces CO2 gas during fermentation to make
dough rise and give bread its holes

glucose ethyl alcohol + carbon dioxide + 2

Lactic Acid Fermentation
Lactic Acid
• Produced by cells of multicellular organisms during O2 deficient times
• Lactic acid causes the “burn” felt in muscle cells
• Blood circulation moves excess lactic acid

glycolysis fermentation
Glucose ----------> 2 pyruvate ---------> lactic acid

Lactic Acid Fermentation
- occurs in your muscle cells
- produces lactic acid, results in
muscle fatigue and cramps
- produces NAD+ that goes back to
Lactic Acid Fermentation
Anaerobic Respiration
Consider that aerobic respiration can
produce 36 ATP/ glucose molecule.
Therefore, how efficient is anaerobic
respiration at getting energy from glucose?

2 ATP / 36 ATP * 100% = 5.6% efficient

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