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Day 5, session 1

Create a lesson plan for a Reading/Writing lesson(s)

By the end of this session participants will be able to…

• Use the curriculum documents in lesson planning
• Write learning objectives
• Adapt materials if required
• Apply relevant formative assessment and differentiation

60 Seconds
Starter: 60 seconds

Sum up your learning on the course

in sixty seconds.

Creating lesson plans for a Reading/Writing lesson
• The next lesson you will be working on is a Reading or
Writing lesson.
• You will work in a group of five, your group should focus
on either a Reading or a Writing lesson.
• In the next session, your group will present your lesson
plan and demonstrate teaching an activity if necessary.
You should all be prepared to present in the next session.
• Remember that your lessons should have a pre-lesson
and a post-lesson, and that the learning objectives and
lesson delivery should address the main and
complementary skill.
Creating lesson plans for a Reading/Writing lesson

• In your groups, work on your lesson planning and

preparation for the Reading/Writing lessons.
• Use these resources:
– Lesson plan template (Handout D5.S1.H1)
– Content and Learning Standards
– Relevant material (Handout D5.S1.H2)

• Please ask for assistance if you need it. You can also help
and support each other.
Day 5, session 2
Lesson plans and feedback

By the end of this session participants will be able to…

• Deliver lesson plan presentations and demonstrate
teaching activities where necessary
• Provide constructive feedback, focusing on formative
assessment and differentiation strategies applied

Starter: Hopes

What are you most looking

forward to today?

Lesson plans presentations
• Five groups, five in each group. All groups participate!
• Groups present up to 8 minutes.
• Feedback follows group presentation.
• Remember to use the ‘medals and missions’ model to
formulate your feedback.

Day 5, session 3
Create lesson plan(s) for LiA/ Language Awareness lesson(s)

By the end of this session participants will be able to…

• Use the curriculum documents in lesson planning
• Write learning objectives
• Adapt materials if required
• Apply relevant formative assessment and differentiation

Creating lesson plans for a Language Arts lesson
• The final lesson you will be working on LiA or Language
Awareness lesson.
• You will work in a group of five, your group should focus
on either a LiA or a Language Awareness lesson.
• In the next session, your group will present your lesson
plan and demonstrate teaching an activity if necessary.
You should all be prepared to present in the next session.
• Remember that your lessons should have a pre-lesson
and a post-lesson, and that the learning objectives and
lesson delivery should address the main and
complementary skill (if available).
Creating lesson plans
• In your groups, work on your lesson planning and
preparation for the LiA/Language Awareness lesson.
• Use these resources:
– Lesson plan template (Handout D5.S3.H1)
– LiA Learning Standard
– LiA material from Literature Component books
provided by MoE
– Language Awareness material from Form 4, 1a
Grammar (activities after Reading + before Listen)
See Handout D5.S3.H2. Please ask for assistance if you
need it. D5.S3.3
Day 5, session 4
Lesson plans and feedback, closing session

By the end of this session participants will be able to…

• Deliver lesson plan presentations and demonstrate
teaching activities where necessary
• Provide constructive feedback, focusing on formative
assessment and differentiation strategies applied
• Reflect on learning received during the training

Lesson plans presentations
• Five groups, five in each group. All groups participate!
• Groups present up to 8 minutes.
• Feedback follows group presentation.
• Remember to use the ‘medals and missions’ model to
formulate your feedback.

After-training questionnaire for State-level Trainers


Sorry, no

Remember, only Second tier participants, i.e. State-level

Trainers, please complete the After-training questionnaire.
Plenary: Metaphors for the training course

• Think about this question: What kind of

metaphor best captures the course
experience for you?
• Once you’ve got your metaphor, describe
it on Handout D5.S4.H1. Be ready to
share it in your groups.

Learning journal

• On your own, write up your fifth learning journal

• Question prompts are provided on Handout

Good Luck teaching!


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