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Jack Frost’s

Behavior Intervention Plan

Jamie Laramie
Jack’s Background
● 4th grade male
● Oppositional Defiant Disorder
● Attention Deficit HyperActivity
● Takes medication-Vyvanse
● Divorced parents
● Therapy outside of school
Antecedent/Trigger Consequence/Payoff

● Presented with a challenging ● Gains control

task and asked to complete ● Avoids task, adult, request,
the task and the undesired activity
○ Math whole group
○ ELA resource
Problem Behavior
● Does not listen to adult directions
● Does not complete work
● Whines, complains, passively sits, makes excuses, argues
Target Behavior
● Listening to adult directions/prompting
● Completing work
● Baseline Data:
○ 4/29/19-5/21/19
■ Average: 3 prompts per period per day
■ Range: 1 to 5+ prompts
■ Average: 50-75% work/task completion per period per
● Break Card
○ Gives student control and escape task momentarially
○ Carries break card to all periods
○ Can use the card 1 time per half-day
○ 3 minute break given upon request (timer given)
○ Receives positive verbal reinforcement
● Strike System
○ On 5th prompt receives a strike
○ 3 strikes = Think Time
Correlation of Work Task
Completion and Prompts
10/10: 6 prompts and 0-25% work task completion

10/29: 3 prompts and 25-50% work task completion

*Break card was never used, therefore never reinforced*

What didn’t work well: What worked well:
● Break card ● When he was having a good
● Contract taken from class to day
class ● Building a relationship
● Collaboration among staff ● Eventually..contract class to
● Arguing verses prompting and class
What I would’ve done differently
● Change up reward menu
● Higher expectations for rewards
○ 75%-100% work task completion
○ 2 or less prompts
● Specifically tell him why he is getting the reward or not
● More immediate reward
● More reinforcement of Break Card
● Teach student to ask for help
● Add in some sort of negative consequence (ie:time from recess)
● Tell him what number prompt he is on during class

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