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ECG – 12

MODULE 1: Introduction
MODULE 2: Enabling Demo mode
MODULE 3: Taking ECG
MODULE 4: E – Report sharing with customers
MODULE 5: Taking ECG Printout
MODULE 6: Share a mobile connection by tethering or hotspot on
Pre-requisites for a better experience

• Ensure auto-rotate is enabled.

• Set the display brightness to high.


VCardia Unboxing

• The VCardia box comes with a round red color seal.

• The contents of the box are as follows:

• VCardia Device

• Activation Booklet

• ECG Wire

• Bulbs (x6)

• Clamps (x4)

• OTG wires (x2)

Setting up the VCardia unit

• Connect the bulbs and clamps to the ECG wire.

• Connect the ECG wire to the VCardia device.

• Download the mobile app.

• Setup a new clinic.

• Enable OTG.

• Get started.
Downloading the App
• Scan the QR code on the VCardia box to go to the app page on the PlayStore. 
• Alternatively, search for 'VCardia' on the PlayStore. 
• You may also visit -  to download the app.
• Install the VCardia app.
• Press 'Get Started'.
• Enter phone number.
• Validate the phone number by entering the OTP received on the mobile phone.
Setting up a new clinic
• Once a user logs in, if he/she is new into the platform they get a message on-screen saying that they
are new here and that they need to create a new clinic.
1. Press 'Add a new clinic'.
2. Enter the clinic name, doctor's full name, email ID.
3. Enter the clinic address.
4. Accept the service agreement.
5. The clinic gets registered.
• If a user is already a part of a clinic, they either directly get into the clinic or they get to choose from
a list of clinics. In such cases, the user can still create a new clinic by pressing '+ New Clinic'.
Activating a Clinic

• Once a clinic is registered, the VCardia

app asks for a Device Activation Code.

• VCardia Device Activation Code is a 6

digit unique code found in the VCardia

Device Activation Booklet present in the

VCardia box.
Adding Contacts/ Contact management
• Upon clinic activation, the app asks if more team mates need to be added to the clinics team.

• Adding team mates to a clinic ensure that they can download the app and log in with their numbers

and get into the same clinic.

• Contacts can be added at a later point in time as well.

• Go to Home screen > My Profile > My Team.


• At any given time, a contact may also be removed

from clinics team.

• Go to Home screen > My Profile > My Team.

• Select a contact.

• Press the three dots icon on the top-right corner.

• Click 'Delete'.
OTG Settings
• VCardia requires an OTG permission from the Android smartphone to work.
• Phones - Motorola, Lenovo, Samsung have this permission enabled by default. 
• RealMe, Vivo, Oppo, Redmi/ Mi, OnePlus etc need to give this permission for the first time.
In OnePlus -
• Swipe down the notification drawer.
• Go to Settings. Go to Systems. Enable OTG Settings.
• Connect VCardia and select always allow.
In Redmi -
• Swipe down the notification drawer.
• Go to Settings. Go to Additional Settings.
• Goto OTG > Enable OTG Settings.
• Connect VCardia and select always allow.
In Oppo -
• Swipe down the notification drawer.
• Go to Settings. Go to Additional Settings.
• Enable OTG Settings.
• Connect VCardia and select always allow.
In RealMe -
• Swipe down the notification drawer.
• Go to Settings. Go to Additional Settings.
• Enable OTG Settings.
• Connect VCardia and select always allow.
             There are also few android mobile phones which do not offer OTG support at a hardware
 Android market share of such phones will be less than 1%. Almost all phones support OTG. 
In cases where the phone doesn't offer OTG support, the android phone may not be compatible. 
In case you are doubtful whether a particular phone supports OTG or not, please call up Tricog
Support or the Inside Sales team. 
They will help with a quick Google search. 
We shall also maintain a list of unsupported phone models at the HQ.

List of phones not supported, as observed:

• Panasonic ELUGA A2
MODULE 2: Enabling Demo Mode
• Connect VCardia device to your mobile phone with the OTG connector.

• The ECG workflow initiates on its own if the app is not open.

• If the App is open, click on 'Take ECG' button on the homescreen.

• The App would show a screen saying, 'Connect Bulbs & Clamps to the patient'.
Enabling Demo Mode
• Press the close button.

• The next screen would appear as an empty screen as shown below.

Enabling Demo Mode
• On the top-right corner, click the three dots icon.

• Click on 'Demo Enabled'.

Enabling Demo Mode

• Demo mode is now enabled. Whenever one wishes to deactivate demo mode, go to the same three
dots icon on the top-right corner of the ECG screen and disable the demo mode.
MODULE 3: Taking ECG
• Taking an ECG doesn't require one to necessarily have internet connection.
• Connect the VCardia Device to the mobile phone with the OTG Cable.
• Connect the ECG wire to the VCardia device.
• The app should auto-open in ECG screen. If not, go to the VCardia app, click on take ECG button in
the home screen.
• If the mobile phone fails to establish connection with the VCardia Device, the following screen
shows up.
Taking ECG
The VCardia device may have failed to establish connection with mobile app for the following reasons:
1. OTG setting is disabled. Visit the previous section on this page to see how to enable OTG
2. There is a physical problem. Like the OTG wire is broken, or there is a lose connection.
3. The mobile doesn't support OTG.
• Connect the VCardia device and ensure the connection is established. Resolve the OTG permission issue
and any loose connections.
• The app shows leads which are connected to the patient and which are yet to be connected.
Taking ECG

Placement of leads
Taking ECG
• Once all the leads are properly connected to the patient, the app shows the ECG.
• A message below asks you to 'press <ECG Icon> or <the patient icon> to Enter Patient Details'.
Taking ECG
• Press the ECG Icon or the patient icon.
• A page opens asking for patient details.
• Enter the patient ID, name, phone number, email ID, age, and gender.
• ECG report will automatically be sent to patient's email and SMS.
• If the technician wishes it not to be sent, keep the phone number and email ID field blank. In case the
patient doesn't have email ID or phone number, technician may put that of their attender (or anyone
who wishes to get copy of the report).
Taking ECG
• Once details are entered, press continue.
• If one wishes to edit these details, press the <patient icon> to re-open this page.
• On pressing continue, the details page closes down and the entered details appear on the ECG screen.
Taking ECG
• Press the <ECG button> to start capturing the ECG.

• A 10 second capturing bar appears in the bottom center of the screen.

Taking ECG
• The ECG is being captured.

• Once the ECG is captured, the user gets option to either continue with the captured ECG or Retake

the ECG.

• Press 'Continue ECG' if the captured ECG looks good.

Taking ECG
• On pressing Continue, the app tries to send the ECG to the Tricog cloud for diagnosis.

• If the internet connection is available, it sends to the tricog cloud and shows 'ECG Sent' and 'Tricog

has received your ECG'.

• Immediately, this screens status changes to 'Report Pending'.

Taking ECG
Taking ECG
In case the mobile app doesn't have an active internet connection, the app will show 'Upload failed' and
a button labelled 'Retry' becomes visible.
Taking ECG
Once an ECG is successfully sent to the Tricog cloud and is diagnosed, the report reflects back in the
app as follows:
MODULE 4: E-Report sharing with customers

While taking ECG, enter patients phone number and patients email ID in the patients details.
E-Report sharing with customers
Immediately after the ECG is received by the Tricog Cloud, an SMS and email is received by the patient
even before the doctors diagnose the ECG. This is equivalent of a 6 inch printout coming out of an ECG
machine as soon as an ECG is taken.
E-Report sharing with customers
Upon diagnosis, another message and email comes to patient saying the ECG has been diagnosed along
with link to view the report.
E-Report sharing with customers
• Patients can click the link to view the diagnosed ECG.
• Also, they can share the ECG report further with their friends and family.

• Sharing report with patients is optional for doctors. If they do not enter email ID and/ or
phone number in the patient's details while capturing an ECG, the report will not go to the patients.
MODULE 5: Taking ECG Printout
Option 1 (the doctor/ clinic has a PC/Laptop, a printer, and an active internet connection) -
• Ask them to go to (Customer Portal).
• Enter Phone number.
• Enter OTP.
Taking ECG Printout
• Upon Login, doctor will be able to see a list of all ECGs.

• Select the ECG of which he wants to take print out.

• On the right, there is an option to print report.

Taking ECG Printout
• On clicking print, the ECG report opens up in another tab.
• Press the print icon on the top right.
• The print command opens up.
• Take print out of the ECG as any other normal print out.
Taking ECG Printout
Option 2 (When they have computer and printer but no internet connectivity) -
PS: Option 2 requires Bluetooth hardware in laptop/PC
• Open VCardia app.
• Go to the particular ECG.
• Click on the share icon.
• Select 'Share ECG Signed Report'.
Taking ECG Printout
Share ECG via Bluetooth.

Doctor/Clinician can share the ECG report from the app to the laptop/ PC via Bluetooth and take a print.
Taking ECG Printout

Option 3 (if the doctor doesn't have PC, Printer, or Internet) -

• Doctor can share the signed report over email to a nearby printer shop.

• Either the patient or a clinic attender can go to the printer shop to collect the printout.

• Doctor can also choose to log in to the customer portal at a Cyber Cafe to take a printout.
Share a mobile connection by tethering or hotspot
on Android

You can use your phone’s mobile data to connect another phone, tablet, or computer to the internet.
Sharing a connection this way is called tethering or using a hotspot. Most Android phones can share
mobile data by Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or USB.
Tether by Wi-Fi hotspot (use this to connect mobile/laptop with internet)
You can share your phone’s mobile data with up to 10 other devices via a Wi-Fi hotspot.

Step 1: Turn on your phone's hotspot

• Open your phone's Settings app.
• Tap Network & internet Hotspot &
tethering Wi-Fi hotspot.
• Turn on Wi-Fi hotspot.
• To see or change a hotspot setting, like
the name or password, tap it. If needed,
first tap Set up Wi-Fi hotspot.
Tip: If you don't want your hotspot to
require a password, pick None under
Tether by Wi-Fi hotspot (use this to connect mobile/laptop with internet)

Step 2: Connect another device

to your phone's hotspot
• On the other device, open
that device's list of Wi-Fi
• Pick your phone's hotspot
• Enter your phone's hotspot
• Click Connect.

How to enable & use Wi Fi Hotspot

Tether by Bluetooth (use this to connect mobile/laptop with internet)

• Pair your phone with the other device.

• Set up the other device to get its network connection by Bluetooth. Follow the instructions that came

with the device.

• Open your phone's Settings app.

• Tap Network & internet Hotspot & tethering.

• Tap Bluetooth tethering.

Share Internet via Bluetooth-Android

Tether by Bluetooth (use this to connect mobile/laptop with internet)

Important: Mac computers can't tether with Android by USB.

• Using a USB cable, connect your phone to the other device. A "Connected as a…" notification shows

at the top of the screen.

• Open your phone's Settings app.

• Tap Network & internet Hotspot & tethering.

• Turn on USB tethering.

How to use Andriod Phone USB Teethering


Lead ECG

12 Channel 24 x 7 Instant A4 Size QWERTY
ECG Recording Specialist Signed Diagnosed Printe Keyboard
Report Report d

Immediate Remote
e-Report  Sharing alert in case of Patient Visual
with  Patients Lead ECG
Critical Cases Access

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