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• Arrange marriages are traditional and continue to account for an

overwhelming majority of marriages in the Indian subcontinent. In the urban
culture of modern India, the differentiation between arranged and love
marriages is increasingly seen as a "false dichotomy’’.
• But coming here in the 21st century the face of arrange marriages has
changed. Commonly in urban areas and increasingly in rural parts, parents
arrange for marriage-ready sons and daughters to meet with multiple
potential spouses with an accepted right of refusal.
• These arranged marriages are effectively the result of a wide search by both
the girl's family and the boy's family. In India marriage is the thought to be
for life, marriages are till now considered as the important decision of life.
• So this report is a sincere attempt to know that what really is the perception
and choices of people are when it comes to arrange marriages.
Arranged Marriage in Modern Times

• Although the practice of arranged marriage has remained favored in the

country, the whole procedure has seen some major modernizing changes.
For instance, computers, websites and portals have taken over the job of
traditional matchmakers, with computer programs predicting matches for
• Several marriage portals have sprung up over the last decade or so and
while organizations like Bharat Matrimony, and Shaadi have been in the
arena for quite some time, upcoming platforms like Simply Marry are also
proving to be worthy contenders.
• Nowadays, the criteria for matches have also changed - for example in urban areas,
working women are often preferred as better matches and their professional stature is
considered similarly to the grooms. Emphasis is put on education and values, rather
than just efficiency in the domestic arena.
• Criteria like blood tests are also gaining more and more favor among the urban
community. The prospective partners are allowed to interact more freely nowadays,
over the phone or even face to face. The concept of courtship has gained favors with
the couple getting the opportunity to know each other.
• sometimes for as long a year between the actual marriage dates. While not much
have changed in the rural areas, there still is a general increase in awareness when it
comes to issues like child marriages and dowry.

• The objectives of the study are-

• To find views on marriage
•   To know what people think of the motives
behind arrange marriages Reasons for
choosing any of the marriage.
• To know preference of type of marriage (love
or arrange).
Primary Data

• The normal procedure is to interview some

people individually or in a group to get a sense
of how people feel about the topic.
• So far as this research is concerned, primary
data is the main source of information
provided by the respondents by the way of
questionnaire send to them.
Analysis of Responses
• Most of the respondents have done or doing graduation (63.8%).
When asked about what people think about arrange marriages most
of respondents said that arrange marriage is okay (42%) that means
they neither consider it good nor bad. And a considerable percentage
(33.3%) of people also say that arrange marriages are good.
• Most of respondents when asked what they would prefer most of the
people preferred arrange marriage (56.7 %). The choice here done by
the respondents and choosing arrange marriage truly reflects the
Indian thinking of youth. When asked that what would they rate
arrange marriage or love marriage in comparison most of the
respondents rated love marriage more in comparison to arrange
• This shows the choices made by respondents in the view that what they
think of the fact that arrange marriages are disappearing in the society.
Where most of respondents are not sure “that arrange marriages are
quickly disappearing in today’s society” same percentage of people voted
yes and no. Most of the respondents thinks parents plays the main role of
arrange marriage. And second highest percentage of respondents say that
relatives do the main role of arranging.
• Most of the respondents (39.7) thinks parental choice is the reason behind
choosing arrange marriage if they choose it over love marriages. Second
reason chosen is “an easy option.” Most of the people think that parental
satisfaction (42%) is the benefit or motive behind arrange marriage.”
Second many respondents thinks long term relationship theories (39.1%)
are also one of the motives behind the arrange marriage
• To sum it all up, Arranged marriages are the marriages that are
proposed by entire family's agreement. When comparing them to
Love marriages, Arranged marriages cannot in any ways be taken as a
safer option as there have been flaws in both categories of marriage.
Arranged marriages have their own advantages and disadvantages.
But at the end of the day it all depends on how as an individual you
think of marriage like in the survey we found out thoughts of
respondents about arrange marriages like ‘Because in it you already
know the person whom you are marrying and you accept that person
with all his/her flaws’ ‘Arrange marriage is an successful one,’’ 100%
Continuity,’’ Trust on parents’ choice, more successful for long
period.’ As well as thoughts like’ we have our own choice
• we know that person personallythere is no issue of
comfort n we know each other individually’’ It's better
to be killed by someone of your own choice’’ In love
marriage, you already know the other person, you both
are compatible, that's the reason you're still together,’’
Both are horrible and arrange marriage is worst.’ These
thoughts clearly say that we cannot choose any one
based on people’s view because arrange marriage and
love marriage both have their advantages and
disadvantages which vary according to the people
• And in a country like India which is the perfect example of
a society where arranged marriages are still the norm and
where the divorce rate is very low and as well a country
where the western culture is emerging so rapidly no one
option is sufficient. Choices of people differ, their views
differ, their situations differ, and their perspective differ it
is hard to analyze their choices. But it would not be wrong
to say that still arrange marriage is more preferred, easy,
and most chosen option among the Indians.

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