MTL CHAPTER 8 ClickUp 2020

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1. ad-/DUCT-/-or
a muscle that moves a part toward the
median plane
2. a-/re-/FLEX-/-ia
absence of reflexes
3. bin-/OT-/ic
having two ears
4. CEREBR-/-o-/MALAC-/-ia
softening of the brain
5. circum-/CIS-/-ion
“a cutting around”, surgical removal of the
end of the prepuce of the penis
6. circum-/OR-/-al
around the mouth
7. contra-/CEPT-/-ion
short for ‘contraconception’; prevention of
8. de-/CAPIT-/-ate
• separate the head from the body
• separate the head from the shaft of a bone
9. di-/LAT-/-or
instrument for dilating muscles or stretching
cavities or openings
10. e-/MOT-/-ion/-al
Pertaining to the emotions
11. FLEX-/-or
muscle that brings two bones closer
12. in-/CIS-/-or
• that which cuts
• that which applies to the incisor teeth
• one of the cutting teeth; four front teeth in
each jaw of the adult
13. intro-/FLEX-/ion
a bending inward
14. LACER-/-ation
tear in the flesh caused by a blunt object
15. LINGU-/-i-/-FORM
16. LIP-/-o-/-FER-/-ous
‘carrying fat’; containing fat
17. op-/POSIT-/ion
(lit. a placing against) the ability to move the
thumb into contact with the other fingers
18. PAED-/a-/TROPH-/-y
• Marasmus (emaciation and wasting in an
infant due to malnutrition)
• any wasting disease in children
19. PAED-/IATR-/-ics
medical science relating to the care of
children and treatment of their diseases
20. PAED-/ICTER-/-us
Icterus neonatorum (jaundice of neonates)
21. PAED-/-i-/-o-/PHOB-/-ia
unnatural fear of young children or of dolls
22. PED-/-i-/ALG-/-ia
pain of the foot
23. PED-/-i-/cul-/-ar
• infested with or concerning lice
• concerning a stalk or stem
24. PED-/-i-/-cul-/-i-/CID-/-e
destroying, or that which destroys, lice
25. PED-/-i-/-cul-/-o-/ PHOB-/-ia
abnormal fear of lice
26. PED-/-i-/-cul-/-osis CAPIT- /-is*
infestation with the head louse
By Gilles San Martin - originally posted to Flickr as Male human head
louse, CC BY-SA 2.0,
27. PED-/-i-/-cul-/-osis PUB-/-is*
infestation with the crab louse (Phthirus
28. PED-/-i-/FORM
having the shape of a foot
29. per-/OR-/-al
administered through the mouth
30. SANGUI-/FER-/-ous
conducting or containing blood (as the
circulatory organs)
31. sin-/-CIPUT (from semi- + CAPUT)
• fore and upper part of the skull
• upper half of the skull
32. SINISTR-/-o-/CARDI-/-a
displacement of the heart to left of the
medial line; opposite of dextrocardia
33. SINISTR-/-o-/CEREBR-/-al
located in the left cerebral hemisphere
34. SINISTR-/-o-/PED-/-al
35. SOMN-/-i-/FER-/-ous
sleep-producing; pertaining to that which
produces sleep
36. sub-/CUT-/-aneous
beneath the skin
37. trans-/FUS-/-ion
injection of blood or a blood component into
38. trans-/VERS-/-e
crosswise, lying at right angles to the long
axis of the body
39. uni-/LATER-/-al
pertaining to or affecting one side
40. VIRU-/CID-/-al
destructive of a virus

1.  Aborad: p  away from the mouth

2.  Afferent: m   carrying towards
3.  Ambiopia: q  double vision
4.  Antebrachium: h  forearm
5.  Biceps: n muscle with two heads
6.  Contraction: l drawing together
7.  Depressor: o instrument for pressing
down a body part
8.  Dissect: b to cut apart
9.  Emission: e  discharge
10.  Extracranial: d  outside the skull
11. Indigestible: i not digestible
12. Infracostal: c below the ribs
13. Intercerebral: j  between the two
cerebral hemispheres
14. Intrauterine: k  inside the uterus
15. Subcutaneous: a under the skin
16. Supralumbar: f above the lumbar
17. Transvenous: g through a vein
CHAPTER 8: Exercise 4
1.  ectomy - excision
2.  haematopoietic - sanguifacient
3.  hypodermal - subcutaneous
4.  nephrocele - renal hernia
5.  nephrosclerosis - renal sclerosis
6.  osteogenesis - ossification
7.  phlebectasia - venectasia
8.  phlebectomy - venectomy
9.  phlebotomy - venotomy

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