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• In general, the Amazon region continues to be the most

affected, accounting for 68.3 percent of all deforestation
in the country. Last year it represented 57.7 percent.
• In one of the regions that most decreased deforestation
was the Caribbean: it went from 18.5 percent to 6.9
• As for what is happening with protected areas, the
national parks that continue to register high deforestation
figures are Serranía de La Macarena (47.1%), Tinigua
(25.7%) and Chiribiquete (7.2%).
1. What do you think about the problem?

I think that this issue of deforestation of trees, forests is very delicate because due to
this process the planet is losing much strength in areas of nature.
2. What would be a possible solution for

The solution to this problem is first to campaign on the danger that we run from
such an act to raise awareness among citizens and secondly, to plant more trees on
our planet every day.
3. Do you see this problem in your
community? What do people do about it?

Well, in my community you don't see deforestation, which we watch over the care
of trees and nature since it allows us to have a clean atmosphere.
4. What will you do in the future to help
solve this problem?

• Well, I am one of those who thinks that this issue that includes us all as
inhabitants of the earth, I continue to suggest maintaining the campaign
modality to raise awareness in society.
• Doing projects to plant trees in parks or places designed for such planting.

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