Transcend 2.0: Colgate-Palmolive

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C O L G AT E - P A L M O L I V E
Submitted by Te am D B oys
Direct to consumer Selling- Colgate

• Collect valuable data on • The Company will be

• Knowledge of audience customer buying habits targeting brick and mortar • D2C would be through
• Communities that drive • Distinguish Palmolive consumers similar lines as a general
loyalty for brand products from the • The products portfolio Ecommerce channel
• Digital -A Game Changer competition should be the same as the • No 3 rd party involvement,
• Consumer experiences as • Respond efficiently to one’s available in brick No middle men.
a Competitive Advantage product performance and and mortar stores • Retail stores though might
customer feedback • Reach customers the same be used as a pick up point
• Products delivered to way as Ecommerce for consumers as we have
consumers faster and a • Deliver products through a seen in 7 eleven Japan
formation of a new new specialized channel
• Advertise about the website on social media platforms and through
• Shipping and handling costs bound to go up in the near future due to
newspapers to target all customer segments

personalized selling
• The product mix to include the best selling products like Colgate-
Palmolive as well as some not so well known products like sanex,protex
and ajax at prices better than what ecommerce platforms offer
• Advertising as well as promotional activities need to be increased to

spread the brand awareness • Establishing a brand identity which is going to help the brand stand out

• Using Influencer Marketing through social media channels to leverage the

brand and get people talking about the new platform
• Cost of intermediaries would be saved including commissions leading to

reduction in the per unit cost of each unit • Referral codes to be provided to customers who can then gain more offers
and discounts if the code is used by another customer

• The emphasis should be on creating an experience rather than focusing on

• Customer acquisition cost would fall with years as the company can
just selling the product as it keeps people coming back to the platform and
introduce loyalty programs to save acquisition costs will help in building a loyal following and encourage people to buy from
the new platform

• Have a free returns policy which provides consumers with reassurance and
• Overall profitability bound to go up in the long term future due to
confidence to purchase from the D2C channel
increased volumes and direct control over selling

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