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Luis Alexander Quiroz-Perez

ENGL 1301-71L-FALL2020
September 6, 2020
Writing Memory
• Writing has always been a bad
• Dating back from grade school to
Writing Memory
• On a random day our teacher, Mrs.
Hinojosa, said we will be writing
• It was to be written on a 26-line
page about what were afraid of
Writing Memory
• I was nervous
• I was anxious
• I didn’t know how to write well
and wasn’t has great as my peers
Writing Memory
• To make time I left to walk around
• It was childish but I didn’t know
what else to do
• I had to face my problem and go
back into class
Writing Memory
• I presented to the class as soon as I
walked in
• My peers kept staring at me
• Judgement was on there eyes
• I could tell that this wasn’t going to
end well
Writing Memory
• I was made fun of by my peers
• I felt so dumb and felt like I
couldn’t come back from it
• Since then I always avoided writing
because of this memory
Angel Quiroz
September 6, 2020
Alfonso Gonzalez
September 6, 2020
Reading Adventures.
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Reading Adventures.
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Reading Adventures.
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Reading Adventures.
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Reading Adventures.
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