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Identifying Target Segments and Targets

Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets

Market segmentation
 divides a market into well-defined slices

Market segment
 consists of a group of customers who share a similar
needs or wants

 Cebu Pacific Airlines
TABLE: Market Segmentation Variables for Consumer Markets
Two broad groups of variables to segment consumer

1. By looking at descriptive characteristics:

a. geographic;
b. demographic; and
c. psychographic

2. By looking at behavioral considerations

Geographic Segmentation

 divides the market into geographical units such as nations,

states, regions, countries, cities, or neighborhoods

 Regional marketing – means marketing right down to a

specific zip code.

 Geoclustering Approach called PRIZM (Potential Rating

Index by Zip Markets)
Demographic Segmentation

 They are often associated with consumer needs and wants.

 They are easy to measure

- age - occupation
- family size - education
- family life cycle - religion
- gender - race
- income - generation
- nationality - social class
Demographic Segmentation
Here’s how marketers have used certain demographic
variables to segment markets:
 Consumer wants and abilities change with age.

 Example: Toothpaste (offer three main lines to target kids,

adults, and older consumers)

 Defines a person’s major concern such as going through a
divorce, going into a second marriage, taking care of an older
parent, deciding to cohabit with another person, buying a new
home, and so on.
 These life stages present opportunities for marketers who can
help people cope with the accompanying decisions

 Men and women have different attitudes and behave


 Research shows that women have traditionally tended to be

more communal-minded and men are more self-expressive and
goal directed

 Men often like to read information; women may relate to a

product on a more personal level
 Income segmentation is a long-standing practice in such
categories as automobiles, clothing, cosmetics, financial
services and travel.

 Each generation is profoundly influenced by the time in which
it grows up – the music, movies, politics and defining events of
that period.
Four Main Generations
1. Millennials (or Gen Y)
 People born between 1977 to 1994.
 They are much more likely to own multiple devices and multitask.
 They are also more likely to go online to broadcast their thoughts and
experiences .
 They tend to trust friends more than corporate sources of information.
 They are less likely to have bought their first home and more likely to still
live with their parents, influencing their purchases in what demographers
are calling a “boom boom” or boomerang effect.
2. Gen X
 People born between 1964 and 1978
 They bore an unflattering image of disaffection, short attention
spans, and weak work ethic
 They are more pragmatic and individualistic

3. Baby Boomers
 People born between 1946 and 1964
 They represent a wealthy target
 Boomers are also less likely to associate retirement with “the
beginning of the end” and see it instead as a new chapter in their lives
with new activities, interest, careers, and even relationships
4. Silent Generation
 People born between 1995 and 1945
 redefining what old are means
 Advertisers have learned that older consumers don’t mind seeing other
consumers in ads, as long as they appear leading vibrant lives


Multicultural Marketing – an approach recognizing that

different ethnic and cultural segments have sufficiently different
needs and wants

 Psychographics is the science of using psychology and demographics to

better understand consumers. Market is divided into different groups on the
basis of psychological/personal traits, lifestyle, or values

 One of the most popular commercially available classification based on

psychographic measurements is Strategic Business Insight’s (SBI) VALS

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