Intoduction To Nursing Ethics

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 At the end of this session, students will be able
 Be familiar with introduction to Nursing Ethics
 Define the terms ethics, nursing ethics,
bioethics, value, belief, morals, attitude,
conflict, dilemma, ethical dilemma.
 Discuss importance of Nursing Ethics
 Review criteria of a profession
 Develop characteristics of a professional nurse
 Autonomy comes with responsibility
 Nurses have many ethical issues in their day
to day that they must be prepared to handle
 Nurses need to develop a firm sense of
practical wisdom and think critically about
the ethics of their practice.
 Careful education, thought and intelligent
habits of practice.
 Difficult to distinguish between right and
 Is ethics merely be based personal opinion
 What are personal opinion, intuitions,
unexamined beliefs
 Important for nurses to have a basic
understanding of various concepts,
principles, approaches and theories used in
 identify and analyze ethical issues and
dilemmas that are relevant to nurses 21st
 In today’s the world, “we are in the throes of
a giant ethical leap that is essentially
embracing all of humankind.”
Donahue 1996 p. 484


Louis Gottschalk
 ETHICS: Different things to different
 Ethics is study of Idea human behavior and
ideal ways of being
 Ethics is a systematic approach to
understanding, analyzing, and
distinguishing matters of right/ wrong,
good/ bad, admirable/ deplorable, as they
exist along a continuum and they relate to
well being and relationship among sentient
 The study of the ethical and moral
implications of new biological
discoveries and biomedical advances,
as in the fields of genetic engineering
and drug research.
 The study of social and moral issues
raised in the field of biology,
including medicine and dentistry.
 “Examination of all kinds of ethical and
biological issues from the perspectives of
nursing theory and practice.”

John Stone (1999)

It falls within philosophy and science of
health care, a subcategory of bioethics
must focus on experiences and needs of
practicing nurses, the exploration of the
meaning of nursing ethics and ethical
practice in terms of nurses’ perceptions.
 Belief is the psychological state in which an
individual holds a proposition or premise to
be true.
 Belief in God, Belief in Prophets, Paradise,
Hell, angels, spiritual healing
 The terms belief and knowledge are used

differently in philosophy.
 It is a system of conduct and ethics that is
 Specific beliefs, behaviors, ways of being
derived from doing ethics.
 One’s morals are judged to be good or bad
through systematic ethical analysis.
 IMMORALITY means a person’s behavior is
in opposition to accepted societal,
religious, cultural, or professional ethical
standards and principles.
 a person's perspective toward a specified
target and way of saying and doing things eg.
she said it with attitude.
 Taking with anger, Speaking politely,
 CONFLICT: It is actual or perceived opposition

of needs, values and interests. A conflict can

be internal (within oneself) to individuals.
 It is a problem offering at least two solutions
or possibilities, of which none are practically
 ETHICAL DILEMMA: it is a situation in which
an individual is compelled to choose two
actions that will affect the welfare of a
sentient being.
 When there is conflict between two principles.
 Both actions are reasonably justified two
actions are reasonably justified as being
good, neither action is readily justified as
being good, or goodness of the action is
 One action must be chosen, there by

generating a quandary for the person or a

group who is burdened with the choice.
A profession is a
founded upon specialized educational
training, the purpose of which is to supply
disinterested counsel and service to others,
for a direct and definite compensation, wholly
apart from expectation of other business
 Knowledge and commitment to nursing
 safe, effective caring
 clinical expertise, autonomy
 a problem solver, an original and creative
thinker, and innovative in her delivery of
nursing care.
 Clinical expertise was defined as the
competence to practice nursing and the
ability to evaluate outcomes appropriately.
 fulfill the professional nursing role and
pursue personal career goals
 Commitment was defined as involvement in

the professional organization and as keeping

informed on nursing issues. It also was
defined as the decision to make nursing a
lifetime career.
Elizabeth Fletcher Mistretta.(1986). THE PROFESSIONAL NURSE: CHARACTERISTICS

AND ROLE DEVELOPMENT . Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 47-11, Section: A, page: 3989.
 J.B. Butts and K.L. Rich. (2008). Nursing Ethics: Across the curriculum and into practice. (2 nd
Ed). Jones and Bartlett Publishers


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