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Name of 5 th Group :

1. Dimas Wahyudin
2. Iyan Ikhwanul Huda
3. Iin Sundari
4. Mu’tamaroh
5. Nurul Dwi Retnoswari
6. Siti Indri ‘Ainun Safitri
From Class PAI 1 B
Table of Contents :
◦ The History of “Book of Allah”
◦ Vocabulary
◦ Grammar in Focus ( Simple Past Tense)
The History of “Book of Allah”

◦ Allah sent prophets and messengers to show us the right path.

◦ Allah sent the books through the angel Gabriel.

◦ There are four books of Allah mentioned in the Qur’an.

◦ They are the Tawrah, Zabur, Inil and the Qur’an


◦ Messenger : Rasul Path : Jalan

To mention : Menyebut Original : Asli

Guidance : Petunjuk Race : Suku Bangsa

Revelation : Wahyu Prophet : Nabi

Grammar in Focus ( Simple Past Tense)

◦ The simple Past tense is a form of tense which describes an event that occurred at a specific time in the

Nominal Verbal
Form of the past tense
Example :

(+) Allah sent the books through the angel Gabriel.

Verbal simple past tense
(+) S + V2 + Complement (-) Allah did not send the books through the angel
(-) S + did + not + v1 + Complement Gabriel.
(?) Did + s + V1+ Complement (?) Did Allah send the book through the angel
Gabriel ?
o Nominal simple past tense Example :
(+) S+was/were+complement
(+) he was a doctor two months ago
(-) S+was/were+no+complement
(-) He was not a doctor two months ago
(?) Was/were+s+complement ? (?) Did he was a doctor two months ago?

Complement: object,adjective,adverb,etc
Past Tense

Adverb of time Subject : To be: Did:

(Simple Past Tense) :
I was did
 Ago You were did
 Yesterday
We were did
They were did
 Last week
He was did
 Last month She was did
 Last year It was did
 Two days ago,etc
Thank You …

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