Lecture 10 Internet Basics

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Module 6

Internet Basics
Common Terms / Internet Terminology
• The Internet is a network of computers spanning the globe. It
is also called the World Wide Web.

• An Internet Browser is a software program that enables you to

view Web pages on your computer. Browsers connect
computers to the Internet, and allow people to “surf the Web.”

• Internet Explorer is one of the browsers most commonly used.

There are other browsers available as well, including

INFO 108 – Computer Fundamentals and its Applications

• A site or area on the World Wide Web that is accessed by its
own Internet address is called a Web site.

• A Web Page is like a page in a book. Websites often have

several pages that you can access by clicking on links. A Web
site can be a collection of related Web pages.

• Each Web site contains a home page (this is the original

starting page) and may also contain additional pages.

INFO 108 – Computer Fundamentals and its Applications

Layout of a Web Page

1. Title bar – tells you the name of the web page

2. Menu bar – has commands for moving around the webpage,
printing, etc
3. Tool bar – short cuts to commands. Each picture
represents a command
4. Address bar – webpage address. If you want to go directly
to a web page, you will need to know the address.
Working of Internet
Flow Diagrams

INFO 108 – Computer Fundamentals and its Applications

IP Addressing Scheme
• An IP address is a unique global address for a
network interface

• An IP address:
- is a 32 bit long identifier
- encodes a network number (network
and a host number

INFO 108 – Computer Fundamentals and its Applications

• IP addresses are written in a so-called dotted
decimal notation
• Each byte is identified by a decimal number in
the range [0..255]:

• Example:

INFO 108 – Computer Fundamentals and its Applications

• The network prefix identifies a network and the
host number identifies a specific host (actually,
interface on the network).

• How do we know how long the network

prefix is?
▫ The network prefix used to be implicitly defined
(class-based addressing, A,B,C,D…)
▫ The network prefix now is flexible and is indicated
by a prefix/netmask (classless).

INFO 108 – Computer Fundamentals and its Applications

IP types
Domain Name Addressing
• In addition to an IP address, most Internet hosts or
servers have a Domain Name System (DNS)
address, which uses words.

• A domain name identifies the type of institution that

owns the computer. An Internet server owned by
IBM might have the domain name ibm.com.

• Some enterprises have multiple servers, and

identify them with subdomains, such as

INFO 108 – Computer Fundamentals and its Applications

Parts of a Web Address
• A web address is typically composed of four parts:
• For example, the address http://www.google.ca is
made up of the following areas:
• http://
This Web server uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP). This is the most common protocol on the
• www
This site is on the World Wide Web.
• google
The Web server and site maintainer.
• ca
This tells us it is a site in Canada.
INFO 108 – Computer Fundamentals and its Applications
• Endings of web pages tells us a bit about the page. Some
common endings to web addresses are:

• com (commercial)
• edu (educational institution)
• gov (government)
• net (network)
• org (organization)

• You might also see addresses that add a country code as

the last part of the address such as:
• ca (Canada)
• uk (United Kingdom)
• fr (France)
• us (United States of America)
• au (Australia)

INFO 108 – Computer Fundamentals and its Applications

What is e-commerce?
• Online business to business transactions
• Online business to consumer transactions
• Digital delivery of products and services
• Online merchandising
• Automated telephone transactions eg phone

INFO 108 – Computer Fundamentals and its Applications


Law of contracts
•Intention to enter legal relations
•Legal capacity
•Genuine consent

Issues for e-commerce

INFO 108 – Computer Fundamentals and its Applications
Cyber Security
• ‘Cybersecurity is the body of technologies,
processes and practices designed to protect
networks, computers, programs and data from
attack, damage or unauthorized’

INFO 108 – Computer Fundamentals and its Applications


First, let’s talk about some common cyber-safety threats and the problems they can
cause . . .

INFO 108 – Computer Fundamentals and its Applications



Additional information about each of the actions below is provided on slides 8-14. Faculty and
staff should work with their technical support coordinator before implementing these measures.

1. Install OS/Software Updates

2. Run Anti-virus Software

3. Prevent Identity Theft

4. Turn on Personal Firewalls

5. Avoid Spyware/Adware

6. Protect Passwords

7. Back up Important Files

INFO 108 – Computer Fundamentals and its Applications

Thank You

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