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Farrah nain

• Data collection is a process to find out the

answer for the research problem.
• There are 2 types of data
• 1-primary data
• 2-secondary data
Primary data:

• The primary data are collected fresh and for

the first time from the field .If the interaction
or observation or sometimes both methods
are framed properly ,there will be any
loophole in the collected primary data.
Secondary data:

• The secondary data are collected from

secondary sources. Secondary sources mean
which has been done by some
onelikebook,research thesis,article,research
paper,file report,web information etc.
• -reliability of data
• 2-sustainability of data
• 3-adequacy of data
2-Primary data collection method:

• case study method

• Observational method
• Interview method
• Questionaire method
• Schedule method
1-Case study method:
• The case study method is a very popular
method in qualitative analysis.It
• involves a careful and complete observatin of
social unit.
• Social unit: A person or a family,or an
institution or a cultural group or the entire
• It is depth study of relevant incident related
to the selected topic of research
2- Interview method:
• Two types of taking interviews :
• Personal interview
• Telephonic interview
3-Observation method:

• Collection of information through

investigators own direct observatin without
asking from the respondent.
• Subjective bias is eliminated if observation
is done accurately.
• The information is obtained based on what
is happening
3-Questionaire method:
• A questinaire consist of number of
questions printed or typed in a definite
order on a form.
• The questionaire is mailed or posted or
sent personally to the respondent.
• The respondent are expected to read and
understand the question and write down
the reply in the given space.
Other methods of collecting data:

• Focus groups:
• We ran three focus groups of 6–10
participants each, concentrating
on mobile phone use. In these we presented a
walkthrough of the Magitti mock-up
and its functions to gather detailed feedback
on the concept
Mobile Phone Diaries (MPD):

• To get a picture of the daily activities of 19–25-

yearolds, we conducted two mobile phone
diary studies, first with 12 people for one
Sunday, and then with 21 participants for a
seven-day week
Street Activity Sampling (SAS):
• We conducted 367 short interviews with people who
appeared to be in our target age range and at leisure in
about 30 locations in Tokyo
and surrounding areas at different times and days of the
week. We asked people to
report on three activities from their day, choose one as a
focal activity, classify it
into one of a number of pre-determined types and
characterize it in terms of planning, transportation,
companionship, information requirements, familiarity
with thelocation, and so on.

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