Smart Eco City PPT Presentations 1

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This project presented by team earth lover

◦ Who are we ??
◦ Mohamed walid sammari
◦ Leba Ndjomo Levye Welesane Celia
◦ Mohamed Amine Zayene
◦ Othman Aissaoui
◦ BEJI Souhaiel
◦ Mohamed aziz guedri
◦ Chames eddine houdi
I. Introduction
II. Maters
III. solutions
IV. conclusion
◦ what's an eco city ?
An eco-city is a city built off the principles of living within the means of the environment. The ultimate
goal of many eco-cities is to eliminate all carbon waste, to produce energy entirely through renewable
sources, and to incorporate the environment into the city; however, eco-cities also have the intentions of
stimulating economic growth, reducing poverty, organizing cities to have higher population densities, and
therefore higher efficiency, and improving health.
example of eco city

Tianjin Eco-city
Project between Singapore and China after
Suzhou Industrial Park.  The project was
mooted by then Singapore Senior Minister Goh
Chok Tong and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in
April 2007
Curitiba, Brazil
Eco-cities have no strict definition—the term was
first coined in the 1980s and has evolved since—
but broadly, any city whose design is centered
around sustainability and positive environmental
impact is good by us. Like Curitiba: Brazil’s eco-
superstar, and among the most Earth-friendly
cities in Latin America.
Freiburg, Germany
Germany has long been a leader in
eco-innovation, and the city of
Freiburg may well be the foremost
example of its pioneering policies.
Freiburg’s sustainable endeavors
have been in the works for decades;
its city center has, impressively,
been pedestrian-only since the early
Our project take care about Smart eco city we choose hay essaha ariana as place to work in it after a huge
research we find it as a perfect place ,hay essaha have many problemes that we can use it to make
difference by find solutions to hay essaha problems
Hay essaha is located directly at the entrance to Ariana borj louzir and this city it has became one of the
most abandoned cities at all and big source of pollution
And in the bottom left we have a long canal
◦ Problems :

◦ Infrastrucute
◦ Transport
◦ Energy
◦ Security
Solutions :

◦ Highways, national roads, and regional networks are keys to a country's development and its
population's well-being. Roads are essential to making a region attractive for investments so as
solution we propse reanimation of the roads :
◦ Street lighting: The existing infrastructure for street lighting has to face new technical and
economic challenges. These are focused on increasing the safety and attractiveness of streets and
Tunnels : Safety and availability are decisive factors in tunnel infrastructure – along with
economical operationn
◦ we can use water filtering to get a consumable water and use the dirty us a humus to agriculture or we
can just cover the canals and eliminate the smells
◦ (weird smells)
Energy :

◦ The city's energy needs are provided for, and extracted, generated and consumed, without significant
negative impact to ecosystems or to short- or long-term human health and do not exacerbate climate
change. Energy consumed is primarily generated within the local bioregion
◦ Energy can be harnessed directly from the sun, even in cloudy weather. Solar energy is used worldwide
and is increasingly popular for generating electricity or heating and desalinating water. Solar power is
generated in two main ways:
◦ Photovoltaics (PV), also called solar cells, are electronic devices that convert sunlight directly
into electricity. The modern solar cell is likely an image most people would recognise – they
are in the panels installed on houses and in calculators
transport and Traffic:
◦ Traffic congestion, long distance commuting, rising levels of air and noise pollution are pressing issues
in today’s cities. Efforts to relieve congestion such as, constructing flyovers, road widening etc., are good
initiatives but may not address issues such as fossil fuel consumption and associated emissions. ‘Green
Townships’ rating system addresses these issues by encouraging effective and efficient transportation
management strategies. Such strategies include increasing opportunities for bicycling, encouraging
pedestrian friendly network; reduction in the number of automobile trips, promoting public transportation
and use of alternative vehicles.
◦ make a bus station between essaha and ariana it's a win win sitaution for both people and country
Security :

◦ Today’s cities face a wide spectrum of threats ranging from terrorism to rising crime rates, civil unrests,
shootings, natural disasters and other emergencies. To mitigate the impact of these situations, city
authorities require real-time information and insights into what is happening in and around their districts.
There is a growing case for utilizing new and emerging technologies in the drive for safer and efficient
cities. In this context, integrated public infrastructure security solutions provide a comprehensive
framework for a single, holistic operational view and access to real-time visual, audio and location-based
information. These solutions help make cities safer and secure by empowering authorities to prevent,
manage and respond to potential risk scenarios effectively.
◦ Improved ability to attract investments, creating a viable investment environment
◦ Reduced possibility of damage to infrastructure and property, leads to greater profitability

◦ Sustainable urban development offers opportunities and societal merits. In order to achieve these
advantages, a mind shift and adopting different ways of cooperation are necessary among all actors
involved: those in the building sector, finance, government, civil society and in knowledge institutes.
Triggered by both the current economic and environmental crises, the awareness among those involved
of the need to change course is increasing. By combining the challenge of being more efficient
economically and tackling the sustainability problem

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