Direct Method Approach

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Direct Method

Discussant: Danica D. Pidlaoan

Direct Method
 Definition: A method of teaching language directly
establishing a direct or immediate association between
experience and expression, between the English word, phrase
or idiom and its meaning through demonstration,
dramatization without the use of the mother tongue.
Aims of this Method:

Direct method aims to build a direct relation between
experience and language, word and idea, thought and
This method intends for students to learn how to
communicate in the target language.
This method is based on the assumption that the learner
should experience the new language in the same way as
he/she experienced his/her mother tongue.
 It was established in Germany and
France around 1900, and it was an
answer to the dissatisfaction with the
older Grammar Translation Method,
whic teaches students grammar and
h through direct translations
and thus focuses on the written
One of its main proponents was the German Maximilian Berlitz,
whose schools in the form of Berlitz International exist to this
Direct Method
is also known as:

Natural Method Phonetical


Anti-Grammatical Reform
Method Method

• They strongly advocate an alternative

method in which language was presented
in contexts and the mother tongue was
• Its principal advocates were Prendergast

and Sauveur who proposed what they

called Natural Method that suggest
radical change from Grammar-
translation. It is this method that later
on came to be known as the Direct
Never translate: demonstrate
Never explain: act
Never make a speech: ask questions
Never imitate mistakes: correct
Never speak with single words: use sentences
Never speak too much: make students speak
Never jump around: follow your plan
Never go too fast: keep the pace of the student

Never speak too slowly: speak normally

Never speak too quickly: speak naturally
Never speak too loudly: speak naturally
Never be impatient: take it easy
The role of the teacher is to direct class activities,
encourage students to participate in class and corrects
their mistakes immediately.
Teacher’s Role But students and teacher are partners in the learning

Students are very active. Oral communication skills are

emphasized, there is a large amount of Learner-Learner
Student’s Role interaction.

The teacher, using various techniques, tries to get

students to self-correct whenever possible
Error Correction

Student’s native language shouldn’t be used in the

Use of Mother Tongue
Basic Principles of Direct Method

1. Direct relation between thought and words - Using this method, a

learner thinks and speaks using the same medium.
2. Oral ( Speaking ) Practice - This method emphasizes on oral
practice for everyone.
3. Functional Grammar - This method doesn't put emphasis on
theoretical grammar. The main stress is on functional grammar.
4. No use of Mother Tongue - There is the complete prohibition on the
use of mother tongue. Therefore, learners' main focus is on learning the
Foreign language.
5. Limited Vocabulary - This method advocates the use of limited
vocabulary, daily-use words. The words must be from requirement or
needs of the learners.
6. Sentence as the unit of speech - Here, the unit of speech is a
sentence. There is the emphasis on speaking the complete sentences.
1. The focus is on Oral Practice. Therefore, the pronunciation
2. In teaching vocabulary such as words, idioms, this method is
3. As there is direct relation between thought and expression, it
helps the learners in having good fluency. Using direct method, a
teacher helps students having good command over English.
4. In this method, the teacher proceeds from particular to general
and from concrete to abstract.
5. It makes teaching English easier and more pleasant. A teacher
uses various images/ pictures to illustrates his/her point.
6. This method creates the suitable environment for learning
English Language.
7. As the unit of speech in Direct Method is a sentence, students
learn to speak complete sentences without any hesitation. So they
get confidence with command over good English.
1. Owing to over-emphasis on oral practice, the
other skills namely reading and writing are
ignored to a great extent.
2. Average and below average students, especially
from rural background, find difficulty to grasp the
things taught via this method.
3. This is an expensive method as the teacher is to
use some aids for teaching.
4. The background at home must also be foreign
language friendly for this method. The students
whose parents can speak English well get more
benefit from this method.
There are method in language teaching. One of these is
direct method. This may work for others, but for some, it
may not. Let us remember that there is no single best
teaching approach which can cater and address the needs of
all learners. Every approach should be combined with other
approaches so that we can further increase our students’
learning progress and hone their language learning
capabilities. Whatever strategies we use as a teacher,
always bear in mind that our primary goal is to let our
learners learn and apply what they have learned in real-life

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