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• 6 players per team on the court

• 3 in front row and 3 in back row
Boundary Lines
• Right back player
• Serves from anywhere behind end
• Each player serves in turn and they
have only one try to get the ball
• Server continues to serve as long as
their team is scoring points.
• When a team gains the serve, its
players rotate one position
clockwise (side-out).
• Once the ball is served the player
can move to any position on their
side of court.
Serving continued….
Serve is lost if: • 5 seconds to serve.
• The ball hit the ceiling, or • Serve must pass
other obstructions. between antennas.
• The ball does not land in • Can only serve with one
opponents playing area. hand.
• The server touches or go • If you serve out of order
over end line while the other team get
serving. possession and you loss
• Another player helps it all points gain by server.
Side Out
Results when the right to serve
the ball goes to the other
• One point is awarded to
Scoring either team when the
other team makes an
error/fault or fails to
return the ball back .
• A team hits the ball to the
floor of the opponent
• You do not need to be
serving to score a point.
• First team to score 25
points wins. It must win
by a 2 point advantage.
• Face target
• Non-dominant foot forward
• Knees slightly bent
• Hold ball, chest level, in line with hitting shoulder

Overhead Serving •

Toss out and up with no spin
Toss should land just in front of your forward foot
Small step with opposite leg of hitting arm.
• Step- Toss- Hit
• Contact high and in front
• Contact just below the center of the ball
• Follow through1. Stance
• Face the target
• Non-dominant foot forward
• Knees slightly bent
• Hold ball, chest level, in-line with the hitting shoulder
• 2. Toss
• Short Toss out and up
• Reach high, release high
• No Spin
• Would land just in front of your forward foot if you let it fall
• 3. Weight Shift
• Small step with lead foot
• Shift weight back to front
• Step-toss-hit
• 4. Swing and Contact
• Rotate hip then shoulder
• Swing upward/forward
• Contact high and in front
• punch through just below the center of the ball
• Common mistakes
• Floppy wrist on contact
• Toss is too low
• Dominant foot forward
• loss of power from contacting with the fingers
• The underhand serve is the easiest one to teach
because there are few variables. Since the
underhand serve doesn't involve a toss, it's easier to
Underhand learn and control. 
• Here are a few fundamentals of learning to

Serve underhand serve for right-handed players.
• Start with your feet in an up-and-back stride position
with the weight on the back right foot.

Ball is held in the left hand in front of your body just
below your waist, in front of the right hip.

Shoulders and upper body should be slightly leaning

Eyes are focused on the contact point of the ball.

Contact the ball with the flat part of the fist and
palm/pointer/thumb area.

Swing the right arm backward then forward in a
pendulum manner.
• Any touch of the ball. • If a ball lands on side line it is
• A team is allowed 3 contacts in bounds.
to return the ball over the net. • A player may go off court to
• A player can not contact the play a ball.
ball twice in a row. • A ball may touch the net and
• If two players contact ball at still be in play.
same time, it is consider one • Back row player can not
hit. Either player can hit it spike the ball in from of
again. attack line or block.
• You can play the ball off the • You can contact ball with any
ceiling if it is not a serve and it
body part above the waist.
is on your side of the net.
Forearm Pass- Bump
• - A serve which lands in
the opponent's court
without being touched,
or is touched, but
unable to be kept in
play by one or more
receiving team players.
Leading to a point.
• Successful, legal, point-
scoring play. It can be
from a spike attack, tip
or dump
• Is an illegal contact in
which the ball is held
momentarily in the
hand or hands.
• Occurs when one or more players
stop a ball before, or just after it
crosses the net.
• A block does not count as a
• Can not interfere with a player on
the other side.
• Occurs when a ball is
passed over the net
with a soft overhead
pass with one or two
Double Hit
• Occurs when a player •
contacts the ball two mwAlgaWI
consecutive times.
• Or the ball contact the
player two times.
• Is an error or mistake
that results in a loss of
serve and point to other
Free Ball
• Is a ball returned by a
forearm pass or set to
the other side.
• No one can touch the net.
• No one can touch the floor or
an opponent under the center
• Never kick a volleyball.
• Do not dribble a volleyball.
• Do not touch or grab the net.
• Roll the ball under the net to the serving team.
• Call out “Mind” to play the ball.
• Be a team player not a ball hog.
• Call out the score before serving.

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