DEC 2 Dutta-Gupta Final

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The Coming Battle

Over Paid Leave

Indivar Dutta-Gupta
Co-Executive Director
Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality
1. COVID-19 Has Illuminated & Increased the Need for Paid Leave

2. Comprehensive & Inclusive Paid Leave Can Reduce Inequity &

Improve Well-Being

3. What’s Next for Paid Leave?

1. COVID-19 Has Illuminated & Increased the Need for Paid Leave

2. Comprehensive & Inclusive Paid Leave Can Reduce Inequity &

Improve Well-Being

3. What’s Next for Paid Leave?

Paid Leave Supports Individuals &
• Addresses universal caregiving needs
• Improves health & long-term outcomes for parents, caregivers, & their
Improving physical & mental health for caregivers

Improving child health and development outcomes

Improving long-term labor force participation & higher wages

• Reduces poverty

Paid Leave Supports All of Us

• Supports employers by improving job retention

• Boosts the economy
• Lack of a national paid leave policy contributes to gender wage disparities,
the racial wealth gap, costing the US economy nearly $67 billion each

• Address economic and racial disparities

1. COVID-19 Has Illuminated & Increased the Need for Paid Leave

2. Comprehensive & Inclusive Paid Leave Can Reduce Inequity &

Improve Well-Being

3. What’s Next for Paid Leave?

Principles for Equitable Paid Leave

• Allow all workers to provide necessary care

for themselves and their families;

• Support better health & child development

outcomes for individuals & their families; &

• Ensure the financial stability of individuals,

their families, & their employers.

President-elect Biden Supports Paid Leave


What’s Next?
● Will national policymakers extend and improve upon FFCRA
● Will a version of the FAMILY Act advance in Congress?
● How can paid leave be financed if taxes are not raised on
households with incomes below $400,000 a year?
● What can be done unilaterally by a Biden Administration?
● Will states continue to establish their own paid leave programs?

Thank You!
Indivar Dutta-Gupta
Co-Executive Director

Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality,

Economic Security and Opportunity Initiative
Prepared by: Isabella Camacho-Craft & Jessica Belledonne

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